#SellBeforeWeDai Action/Inaction Group

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by RoyalBlue » 29 Jun 2024 16:12

Mid Sussex Royal
WestYorksRoyal What are SBWD up to? When exclusivity was announced, stopping the protests made sense but with this summer and now today's news, surely it needs to ramp up again? And it needs to be on record that all trust in the club, Howe et. al has gone. There have been occasional club statements, meetings etc., that have convinced fans to stall protests. Not any more. Protesting continues until the ink of the sale is dry, and we escalate this time. His home, Pang's home, Howe's home, the casino, Chinese embassy. Anywhere imaginable. Make their lives as miserable as possible until he's gone.

They've put out further bill boards which at least is something.

Its a shame STAR are just Howe's puppets and we've got no local journos with any contacts with anyone who knows what's happening. Earnshaw just puts stuff out that's been on Twitter for ages and Dellor is only interested in posh sports in the summer.

At the start of last season, Dellor made a throw away comment along the lines of having to slum it by returning to games at the SCL after being at Ascot and Henley in the summer! Thanks to budget cuts and central policy, BBCRB is no longer a decent local radio station taking a deep interest and reporting at length on local issues.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Sutekh » 29 Jun 2024 16:23

Mid Sussex Royal
WestYorksRoyal What are SBWD up to? When exclusivity was announced, stopping the protests made sense but with this summer and now today's news, surely it needs to ramp up again? And it needs to be on record that all trust in the club, Howe et. al has gone. There have been occasional club statements, meetings etc., that have convinced fans to stall protests. Not any more. Protesting continues until the ink of the sale is dry, and we escalate this time. His home, Pang's home, Howe's home, the casino, Chinese embassy. Anywhere imaginable. Make their lives as miserable as possible until he's gone.

They've put out further bill boards which at least is something.

Its a shame STAR are just Howe's puppets and we've got no local journos with any contacts with anyone who knows what's happening. Earnshaw just puts stuff out that's been on Twitter for ages and Dellor is only interested in posh sports in the summer.


Got his standard jolly to cover rowing on the continent again I believe. Be interesting to see if they pay any attention to the friendlies.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Mr Sitter » 01 Jul 2024 17:34

Dellor is doing the BBC Radio cricket commentary for Northamptonshire v Sussex this week.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by RoyalBlue » 02 Jul 2024 16:14

Mid Sussex Royal
WestYorksRoyal What are SBWD up to? When exclusivity was announced, stopping the protests made sense but with this summer and now today's news, surely it needs to ramp up again? And it needs to be on record that all trust in the club, Howe et. al has gone. There have been occasional club statements, meetings etc., that have convinced fans to stall protests. Not any more. Protesting continues until the ink of the sale is dry, and we escalate this time. His home, Pang's home, Howe's home, the casino, Chinese embassy. Anywhere imaginable. Make their lives as miserable as possible until he's gone.

They've put out further bill boards which at least is something.

Its a shame STAR are just Howe's puppets and we've got no local journos with any contacts with anyone who knows what's happening. Earnshaw just puts stuff out that's been on Twitter for ages and Dellor is only interested in posh sports in the summer.


Got his standard jolly to cover rowing on the continent again I believe. Be interesting to see if they pay any attention to the friendlies.

According to Wiki:

Dellor's position as Reading Football commentator gives him a huge amount of leverage over Reading FC.[citation needed] He was connected to the sacking of Brendan Rodgers as it was felt by some fans that the manager's outburst on air and rudeness to Dellor may have been indicative of his imminent dismissal.[3]

Shame he doesn't exercise some of that leverage!

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by SouthDownsRoyal » 02 Jul 2024 18:46

Mr Sitter Dellor is doing the BBC Radio cricket commentary for Northamptonshire v Sussex this week.

Thanks m8

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Sutekh » 02 Jul 2024 21:34

Mid Sussex Royal
They've put out further bill boards which at least is something.

Its a shame STAR are just Howe's puppets and we've got no local journos with any contacts with anyone who knows what's happening. Earnshaw just puts stuff out that's been on Twitter for ages and Dellor is only interested in posh sports in the summer.


Got his standard jolly to cover rowing on the continent again I believe. Be interesting to see if they pay any attention to the friendlies.

According to Wiki:

Dellor's position as Reading Football commentator gives him a huge amount of leverage over Reading FC.[citation needed] He was connected to the sacking of Brendan Rodgers as it was felt by some fans that the manager's outburst on air and rudeness to Dellor may have been indicative of his imminent dismissal.[3]

Shame he doesn't exercise some of that leverage!

Aah yes, Wiki, that ever reliable source of accuracy. :lol:

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Forbury Lion » 04 Jul 2024 12:43

Mid Sussex Royal Dellor is only interested in posh sports in the summer.
He's doing the job he's paid to do, might as well enjoy it. I guess you'll be having a go at Mick Gooding next for only being interested in selling houses with a smile on his face?

It's difficult to commentate on Reading FC when there is fcuk all happening, I guess they could include it in their roundup of local sporting goings on just to say "still no news".

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Sutekh » 04 Jul 2024 14:57

Forbury Lion
Mid Sussex Royal Dellor is only interested in posh sports in the summer.
He's doing the job he's paid to do, might as well enjoy it. I guess you'll be having a go at Mick Gooding next for only being interested in selling houses with a smile on his face?

It's difficult to commentate on Reading FC when there is fcuk all happening, I guess they could include it in their roundup of local sporting goings on just to say "still no news".

I think point is that he is meant to be a sports journalist and therefore should have a list of contacts that he should be able to call on to try and illicit just what the **** is going on and try and get that message out in some way. To be fair, maybe he has, but it's likely to always be off the record and/or be sworn to secrecy so there's naff all he could say to anyone anyway. Not being a journalist I don't know how things work in these circumstances but given BBC Berks never report anything until it's confirmed elsewhere anyway it's really not a surprise. Just have to keep listening to their sports progs on Fridays and maybe something will surface.

The real problem is the current owner and his lapdog avoid any communication to anyone, including many members of club staff, as much as possible so until a sale is agreed we'll be stuck in the dark. Just waiting now for the next failure to pay wages/tax.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by SouthDownsRoyal » 05 Jul 2024 11:01

Forbury Lion
Mid Sussex Royal Dellor is only interested in posh sports in the summer.
He's doing the job he's paid to do, might as well enjoy it. I guess you'll be having a go at Mick Gooding next for only being interested in selling houses with a smile on his face?

It's difficult to commentate on Reading FC when there is fcuk all happening, I guess they could include it in their roundup of local sporting goings on just to say "still no news".

I think point is that he is meant to be a sports journalist and therefore should have a list of contacts that he should be able to call on to try and illicit just what the **** is going on and try and get that message out in some way. To be fair, maybe he has, but it's likely to always be off the record and/or be sworn to secrecy so there's naff all he could say to anyone anyway. Not being a journalist I don't know how things work in these circumstances but given BBC Berks never report anything until it's confirmed elsewhere anyway it's really not a surprise. Just have to keep listening to their sports progs on Fridays and maybe something will surface.

The real problem is the current owner and his lapdog avoid any communication to anyone, including many members of club staff, as much as possible so until a sale is agreed we'll be stuck in the dark. Just waiting now for the next failure to pay wages/tax.

There is no news m8, nothing is happening

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by RG30 » 05 Jul 2024 13:39

Forbury Lion He's doing the job he's paid to do, might as well enjoy it. I guess you'll be having a go at Mick Gooding next for only being interested in selling houses with a smile on his face?

It's difficult to commentate on Reading FC when there is fcuk all happening, I guess they could include it in their roundup of local sporting goings on just to say "still no news".

I think point is that he is meant to be a sports journalist and therefore should have a list of contacts that he should be able to call on to try and illicit just what the **** is going on and try and get that message out in some way. To be fair, maybe he has, but it's likely to always be off the record and/or be sworn to secrecy so there's naff all he could say to anyone anyway. Not being a journalist I don't know how things work in these circumstances but given BBC Berks never report anything until it's confirmed elsewhere anyway it's really not a surprise. Just have to keep listening to their sports progs on Fridays and maybe something will surface.

The real problem is the current owner and his lapdog avoid any communication to anyone, including many members of club staff, as much as possible so until a sale is agreed we'll be stuck in the dark. Just waiting now for the next failure to pay wages/tax.

There is no news m8, nothing is happening

Listen to the latest BBC Radio Berkshire podcast. Tim openly talks about all lines of communication have been shut down again (ie Bowen & Howe). It's not for a lack of trying. If people don't want to talk on or off the record then it's an impossible job.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Franchise FC » 05 Jul 2024 15:18

I think point is that he is meant to be a sports journalist and therefore should have a list of contacts that he should be able to call on to try and illicit just what the **** is going on and try and get that message out in some way. To be fair, maybe he has, but it's likely to always be off the record and/or be sworn to secrecy so there's naff all he could say to anyone anyway. Not being a journalist I don't know how things work in these circumstances but given BBC Berks never report anything until it's confirmed elsewhere anyway it's really not a surprise. Just have to keep listening to their sports progs on Fridays and maybe something will surface.

The real problem is the current owner and his lapdog avoid any communication to anyone, including many members of club staff, as much as possible so until a sale is agreed we'll be stuck in the dark. Just waiting now for the next failure to pay wages/tax.

There is no news m8, nothing is happening

Listen to the latest BBC Radio Berkshire podcast. Tim openly talks about all lines of communication have been shut down again (ie Bowen & Howe). It's not for a lack of trying. If people don't want to talk on or off the record then it's an impossible job.

Shirley he’s a journalist, he could just make stuff up like the rest of them

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Mid Sussex Royal » 05 Jul 2024 18:30

I think point is that he is meant to be a sports journalist and therefore should have a list of contacts that he should be able to call on to try and illicit just what the **** is going on and try and get that message out in some way. To be fair, maybe he has, but it's likely to always be off the record and/or be sworn to secrecy so there's naff all he could say to anyone anyway. Not being a journalist I don't know how things work in these circumstances but given BBC Berks never report anything until it's confirmed elsewhere anyway it's really not a surprise. Just have to keep listening to their sports progs on Fridays and maybe something will surface.

The real problem is the current owner and his lapdog avoid any communication to anyone, including many members of club staff, as much as possible so until a sale is agreed we'll be stuck in the dark. Just waiting now for the next failure to pay wages/tax.

There is no news m8, nothing is happening

Listen to the latest BBC Radio Berkshire podcast. Tim openly talks about all lines of communication have been shut down again (ie Bowen & Howe). It's not for a lack of trying. If people don't want to talk on or off the record then it's an impossible job.

The primary role of a journalist is to get contacts, Charles Watts had no problem under the same regime.

None of Dellor, Earnshaw or Preston are first with anything and rely on the nationals or random ITK's on twitter....the Guardian broke the women's team story. I guarantee when anything does happen it won't be one of them who breaks the news.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Sutekh » 06 Jul 2024 13:32

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by East Grinstead Royal » 07 Jul 2024 13:36

Barry Town, didn’t Reading play away there in an FA Cup match? I recall asking some locals for directions and they sent us to the rugby ground. Also remember Stuart Beavon’s free kick which hit the post, then hit the Barry goalie in the face and ended up in the net. There was no segregation in those days and some of the home fans didn’t appreciate my mate and I pissing ourselves laughing at that. Barry scored an equaliser, but Trevor Senior got a late winner.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Mid Sussex Royal » 07 Jul 2024 14:41

East Grinstead Royal Barry Town, didn’t Reading play away there in an FA Cup match? I recall asking some locals for directions and they sent us to the rugby ground. Also remember Stuart Beavon’s free kick which hit the post, then hit the Barry goalie in the face and ended up in the net. There was no segregation in those days and some of the home fans didn’t appreciate my mate and I pissing ourselves laughing at that. Barry scored an equaliser, but Trevor Senior got a late winner.

Yep was there, seem to also remember it being very intimidating. Think it kicked off very early as they had no floodlights!

Senior's goal was in stoppage time IIRC.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Sutekh » 07 Jul 2024 17:21

Mid Sussex Royal
East Grinstead Royal Barry Town, didn’t Reading play away there in an FA Cup match? I recall asking some locals for directions and they sent us to the rugby ground. Also remember Stuart Beavon’s free kick which hit the post, then hit the Barry goalie in the face and ended up in the net. There was no segregation in those days and some of the home fans didn’t appreciate my mate and I pissing ourselves laughing at that. Barry scored an equaliser, but Trevor Senior got a late winner.

Yep was there, seem to also remember it being very intimidating. Think it kicked off very early as they had no floodlights!

Senior's goal was in stoppage time IIRC.

2pm kick off and they got a bit "tasty" at full time giving it all that. Think there were a few "discussions" between some members of each fan base afterwards.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Ark Royal » 08 Jul 2024 13:33

Mid Sussex Royal
East Grinstead Royal Barry Town, didn’t Reading play away there in an FA Cup match? I recall asking some locals for directions and they sent us to the rugby ground. Also remember Stuart Beavon’s free kick which hit the post, then hit the Barry goalie in the face and ended up in the net. There was no segregation in those days and some of the home fans didn’t appreciate my mate and I pissing ourselves laughing at that. Barry scored an equaliser, but Trevor Senior got a late winner.

Yep was there, seem to also remember it being very intimidating. Think it kicked off very early as they had no floodlights!

Senior's goal was in stoppage time IIRC.

2pm kick off and they got a bit "tasty" at full time giving it all that. Think there were a few "discussions" between some members of each fan base afterwards.

Ground was full of Cardiff fans as they had played their home tie on the Friday. Bricks flying everywhere when Trev scored. Was glad to get out in one piece.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Mr Angry » 17 Jul 2024 12:05

The Labour Government has announced in today's Kings Speech that they will re-introduce the Bill to establish an Independent Football Regulator, which the previous Government had to drop as Sunak called an early GE.

Excellent news for all football fans!


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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Sutekh » 17 Jul 2024 12:11

Mr Angry The Labour Government has announced in today's Kings Speech that they will re-introduce the Bill to establish an Independent Football Regulator, which the previous Government had to drop as Sunak called an early GE.

Excellent news for all football fans!


So long as the "big boys" don't have their way of course.

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Re: #SellBeforeWeDai (to someone fit and proper)“ supporters action group

by Crusader Royal » 17 Jul 2024 13:01

Mr Angry The Labour Government has announced in today's Kings Speech that they will re-introduce the Bill to establish an Independent Football Regulator, which the previous Government had to drop as Sunak called an early GE.

Excellent news for all football fans!


I should know the answer but does this only cover the PL/EFL ?

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