by Mid Sussex Royal » 03 Sep 2024 14:53
by windermereROYAL » 03 Sep 2024 14:55
Mid Sussex Royal Couhig & co in town centre, pics on Twitter. Becoming frustrated and no further forward, but are determined to see it through by the sound of things.
by Mid Sussex Royal » 03 Sep 2024 15:02
windermereROYALMid Sussex Royal Couhig & co in town centre, pics on Twitter. Becoming frustrated and no further forward, but are determined to see it through by the sound of things.
Got a link?
by windermereROYAL » 03 Sep 2024 15:21
Mid Sussex RoyalwindermereROYALMid Sussex Royal Couhig & co in town centre, pics on Twitter. Becoming frustrated and no further forward, but are determined to see it through by the sound of things.
Got a link?
Sorry read it earlier not logged on now, but I think James Earnshaw retweeted it and its on the #readingfc hashtag.
by Snowflake Royal » 03 Sep 2024 17:26
windermereROYALEl DiabloStranded
All depends on what is set out in the HR process. I agree its tosh but he'll be suing as something wasn't done quite right, or he (or his lawyers) believe that.
More likely trying to save his (future) career, rather than win compensation.
This thread is about the takeover, there`s a separate one for the Bowen sacking, I check every new post to see updates not this rubbish.
by Forbury Lion » 03 Sep 2024 17:35
by WestYorksRoyal » 03 Sep 2024 18:51
by Mid Sussex Royal » 03 Sep 2024 19:05
WestYorksRoyal Twitter is going absolutely bonkers. Dai is playing us all for fools, there will be no takeover, while SJM, Howe and everyone else imaginable is in the firing line.
Let's just imagine this is true and Dai doesn't sell. He needs to find several million pounds to pay back the secured loans or Couhig/Chiron can place us into administration and probably buy us for £1. And Dai has shown over the past 18 months that he either can't or won't direct such money at the club. I have no idea what the hold up is, but with all the secured debt it's impossible to believe that it's all just a ruse.
by Clyde1998 » 03 Sep 2024 19:43
WestYorksRoyal Twitter is going absolutely bonkers. Dai is playing us all for fools, there will be no takeover, while SJM, Howe and everyone else imaginable is in the firing line.
Let's just imagine this is true and Dai doesn't sell. He needs to find several million pounds to pay back the secured loans or Couhig/Chiron can place us into administration and probably buy us for £1. And Dai has shown over the past 18 months that he either can't or won't direct such money at the club. I have no idea what the hold up is, but with all the secured debt it's impossible to believe that it's all just a ruse.
by Pepe the Horseman » 03 Sep 2024 19:57
Mid Sussex RoyalWestYorksRoyal Twitter is going absolutely bonkers. Dai is playing us all for fools, there will be no takeover, while SJM, Howe and everyone else imaginable is in the firing line.
Let's just imagine this is true and Dai doesn't sell. He needs to find several million pounds to pay back the secured loans or Couhig/Chiron can place us into administration and probably buy us for £1. And Dai has shown over the past 18 months that he either can't or won't direct such money at the club. I have no idea what the hold up is, but with all the secured debt it's impossible to believe that it's all just a ruse.
Its being driven by some guy who looks like he had some initial discussions with Dai last year and is now forming his own opinion, based on those discussions, on the current state of affairs. Need to keep in mind this is his view and not in the least factual.
by Ascotexgunner » 03 Sep 2024 20:41
Pepe the HorsemanMid Sussex RoyalWestYorksRoyal Twitter is going absolutely bonkers. Dai is playing us all for fools, there will be no takeover, while SJM, Howe and everyone else imaginable is in the firing line.
Let's just imagine this is true and Dai doesn't sell. He needs to find several million pounds to pay back the secured loans or Couhig/Chiron can place us into administration and probably buy us for £1. And Dai has shown over the past 18 months that he either can't or won't direct such money at the club. I have no idea what the hold up is, but with all the secured debt it's impossible to believe that it's all just a ruse.
Its being driven by some guy who looks like he had some initial discussions with Dai last year and is now forming his own opinion, based on those discussions, on the current state of affairs. Need to keep in mind this is his view and not in the least factual.
Didn't he turn out to be the German William Storey anyway?
by Elm Park Kid » 03 Sep 2024 23:01
by Pepe the Horseman » 03 Sep 2024 23:08
Elm Park Kid So, my understanding is that we've gone backwards in the last couple of weeks. Couhig not happy with the original amount after uncovering more financial mess and wants a lower sale figure. He's still very much acting as the new owner in waiting though and is (so i've been told) making the key decisions.
Seems hard to imagine how Couhig doesn't, eventually, end up as owner some way or another.
by Stranded » 04 Sep 2024 07:40
Elm Park Kid So, my understanding is that we've gone backwards in the last couple of weeks. Couhig not happy with the original amount after uncovering more financial mess and wants a lower sale figure. He's still very much acting as the new owner in waiting though and is (so i've been told) making the key decisions.
Seems hard to imagine how Couhig doesn't, eventually, end up as owner some way or another.
by blythspartan » 04 Sep 2024 07:51
StrandedElm Park Kid So, my understanding is that we've gone backwards in the last couple of weeks. Couhig not happy with the original amount after uncovering more financial mess and wants a lower sale figure. He's still very much acting as the new owner in waiting though and is (so i've been told) making the key decisions.
Seems hard to imagine how Couhig doesn't, eventually, end up as owner some way or another.
Would seem fair enough but dealing in published legal facts, I think its fair to say we know:
Chiron have a charge over Bearwood and all the clubs shares
Couhig is looking to buy via a company where Chiron own 100% of the shares.
So I'm not sure there is a move for Dai that either a) doesn't involve financing the club and/or paying back all loans or b) seeing the club placed into admin by Chiron as a secured creditor and them either just getting the shares/training ground as a result of default or Dai getting a hell of a lot less cash than he is currently being offered.
Happy to be corrected here but this seems to be the picture based on what is Companies House as of now.
by WestYorksRoyal » 04 Sep 2024 08:00
by Sutekh » 04 Sep 2024 08:09
Forbury Lion 1871 podcast (yes it's back) had a podcast appear on my list this morning titled "Ownership Update"...... listened to a few minutes up to the point they said "this shouldn't take long as we don't know anything", then sacked it off for now to listen to the Price of Football pod.
I do wonder how I'm going to hear the official takeover confimred news first.... might even be on page 256 of this thread
by blythspartan » 04 Sep 2024 08:10
WestYorksRoyal EPK has a decent record, but I don't think any "ITK" knows the full story; they know little corridors of truth like the blind men and the elephant. Eddie Wallbank on Twitter also has a strong track record but keeps calling things wrong.
It does feel like Couhig and Trosclair going big a couple of weeks ago was a big error, especially if there was more to uncover through due diligence.
by Sutekh » 04 Sep 2024 08:15
WestYorksRoyal Twitter is going absolutely bonkers. Dai is playing us all for fools, there will be no takeover, while SJM, Howe and everyone else imaginable is in the firing line.
Let's just imagine this is true and Dai doesn't sell. He needs to find several million pounds to pay back the secured loans or Couhig/Chiron can place us into administration and probably buy us for £1. And Dai has shown over the past 18 months that he either can't or won't direct such money at the club. I have no idea what the hold up is, but with all the secured debt it's impossible to believe that it's all just a ruse.
by Snowflake Royal » 04 Sep 2024 08:15
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