by shadesrwrf »
13 Jul 2006 12:55
Jerry St Clair silas All this fuss for a shirt they will replace next summer
Totally agree. I couldn't give a fukk what piece of polyester tat Boyd and his cronies choose to foist on us this summer.
But, for those who complain about the club profiteering, just look at the clamour on this thread. They must rub their hands with glee at the proles lining up to hand over their hard-earned.
The last time I bought a replica shirt was over ten years ago so I don't think the club'll be holding their breath on that score. I'd just like to know what the shirt we'll be watching next season is going to look like. I suppose you're right though, it's no big deal really.
Edit: Actually I've just remembered that's not true. I bought one for my son last season, but he certainly won't be getting a new one this time round!