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by LoyalRoyal22 » 12 Jul 2006 20:41

Good signing,considering the price. If we can get Mensah, Sodje would be good back-up or possibly first team.

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by Stranded » 12 Jul 2006 21:03

YorkshireRoyal Never heard of him. Presumably he's rubbish as he's a League 1 player, not the sort of player we should be targetting. A waste of money.

Still 7 new signings required.

Of course he is because all players at the level are rubbish, I mean they must be.

And 7 players :shock: Christ are you in for a disappointing summer.

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by Gordons Cumming » 12 Jul 2006 21:22

YorkshireRoyal Never heard of him. Presumably he's rubbish as he's a League 1 player, not the sort of player we should be targetting. A waste of money.

Still 7 new signings required.

Go away Yorkshire boy ( pretending to be a Royal ) :roll: We know

Go bow at the door of Bramall Lane to the master who is "Colin" :wink:

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by Petercccccc » 12 Jul 2006 22:01

What’s keeping me occupied is that Coppell has signed Sodje.

He doesn't often/never get players ability wrong.

Personally think he will do well, seen him a few times and has looked the part

Remember kitson, Sonko…All lower league players that could never do the job in the Championship, now playing in the Premiership. I’m not saying there all going to make it, just that Coppell has hardly put a foot wrong in the transfer market.’

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by Alan Partridge » 12 Jul 2006 23:02

Sonko/Sodje dominant style defenders, very quick, physical and athletic players.

Mensah (hopefully)/Ingimarsson slightly more clutured players. Better on the ball.

Cover for the two defensive positions and styles?

Just a thought.

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by West Stand Flash » 12 Jul 2006 23:03

Petercccccc What’s keeping me occupied is that Coppell has signed Sodje.

He doesn't often/never get players ability wrong.

Personally think he will do well, seen him a few times and has looked the part

Remember kitson, Sonko…All lower league players that could never do the job in the Championship, now playing in the Premiership. I’m not saying there all going to make it, just that Coppell has hardly put a foot wrong in the transfer market.’

Dean Morgan
Paul Brooker
Lloyd Owusu

Though I do have faith in him too.

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by Alan Partridge » 12 Jul 2006 23:05

West Stand Flash
Petercccccc What’s keeping me occupied is that Coppell has signed Sodje.

He doesn't often/never get players ability wrong.

Personally think he will do well, seen him a few times and has looked the part

Remember kitson, Sonko…All lower league players that could never do the job in the Championship, now playing in the Premiership. I’m not saying there all going to make it, just that Coppell has hardly put a foot wrong in the transfer market.’

Dean Morgan
Paul Brooker
Lloyd Owusu

Though I do have faith in him too.

All on free transfers and bought as squad players in a weak squad. Owusu was signed at a time we had 1 fit striker at the club and could be argued did ok in his time here.

Coppell has NEVER spent money on a dud while here. I am not convinced Sodje will start many games for us but I said the same about Sonko, who knows!

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by royalsteve » 12 Jul 2006 23:12

YorkshireRoyal Never heard of him. Presumably he's rubbish as he's a League 1 player, not the sort of player we should be targetting. A waste of money.

Still 7 new signings required.

Listen Warnock, fcuk off you are on the wrong board!!

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by royalsteve » 12 Jul 2006 23:13

West Stand Flash
Petercccccc What’s keeping me occupied is that Coppell has signed Sodje.

He doesn't often/never get players ability wrong.

Personally think he will do well, seen him a few times and has looked the part

Remember kitson, Sonko…All lower league players that could never do the job in the Championship, now playing in the Premiership. I’m not saying there all going to make it, just that Coppell has hardly put a foot wrong in the transfer market.’

Dean Morgan
Paul Brooker
Lloyd Owusu

Though I do have faith in him too.

still better than Arsene Wengers record!

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by The whole year inn » 12 Jul 2006 23:18

Sodje vs Lucketti.


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by Alan Partridge » 12 Jul 2006 23:18

The whole year inn Sodje vs Lucketti.


Geoff HorsfieLOLd


Don't even want him :lol: :lol: :lol:

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by Arch » 13 Jul 2006 00:02

YorkshireRoyal Never heard of him. Presumably he's rubbish as he's a League 1 player, not the sort of player we should be targetting. A waste of money.

Still 7 new signings required.

Listen Warnock, fcuk off you are on the wrong board!!
Doh! How could I have been so clueless?! Of course, YorkshireRoyal is a Blades fan on here to cause strife. No, more likely a jealous fan of some other Yorkshire team from the lower divisions... Leeds maybe.

BTW, just in case anyone hasn't noticed, YorkshireRoyal is not the same poster as the more established Yorkshire [space] Royal, who seems a decent lad.

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by Royalee » 13 Jul 2006 12:40

Just looking at the clips on Reading World. Jesus, he's a bit decent in the air for someone his size!

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by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 13 Jul 2006 13:20

I just wanna see him jump, saw him last season for Brentford and for someone who less than 6ft, i don't think I've ever seen a jump like it, could out jump Sonko imo.

Is a steal at 350k, considering some of the prices arounded him early on in the season, passing could let us down though. Hopefully he'll end up doing a job similar to wht Makin or Hunt did last season.......

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by Royalwaster » 13 Jul 2006 13:50

Interesting to see what the lads we signed last season and who didn't really play a part in the campaign can do this season - i.e. Halls, Golbourne and Brown. Of these, I'd expect Halls really to be the only one who should get some serious first team action, but who knows? Anyone know what side Halls plays on? And Golbourne's a left back isn't he?

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by Gav » 13 Jul 2006 14:29

Royalwaster Anyone know what side Halls plays on?



seriously though, it's on the right

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by bobbybottler » 23 Jul 2010 11:16

Luckily this thread is yet to be deleted.

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by brendywendy » 23 Jul 2010 11:38

its so good that historical records like this should remain in perpetuity
i for one think AE should be trimmed to 1 page just so this kind of thing has a home

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