by DavidM62 » 13 Jul 2006 22:10
by Winchester Royal » 13 Jul 2006 22:15
by Jay » 13 Jul 2006 22:27
by Chicken Balti Pie » 13 Jul 2006 22:37
Jay Not quite the made rush the football club were expecting. When you look at our season ticket prices compared to Watford and Sheffield United, it may be a slight indication as to why.
by Ian Royal » 13 Jul 2006 22:39
by Chicken Balti Pie » 13 Jul 2006 22:41
by RoyalBlue » 13 Jul 2006 22:42
Chicken Balti PieJay Not quite the made rush the football club were expecting. When you look at our season ticket prices compared to Watford and Sheffield United, it may be a slight indication as to why.
Shut up knob![]()
Compare apples for apples at least.
by royal_ali » 13 Jul 2006 22:46
by Chicken Balti Pie » 13 Jul 2006 23:01
RoyalBlueChicken Balti PieJay Not quite the made rush the football club were expecting. When you look at our season ticket prices compared to Watford and Sheffield United, it may be a slight indication as to why.
Shut up knob![]()
Compare apples for apples at least.
Watford is comparing apples with apples. Smaller capacity ground, less wealthy backer, still spending a reasonable amount of money. Considerably cheaper season tickets and maintaining very cheap child prices because they genuinely believe in encouraging young supporters, the lifeblood of tomorrow.
Oh, and rest assured, house prices considerably higher than Reading- I should know, I live within a few miles of Watford! You might also be incorrect in your assessment of relative demand too.
by RoyalBlue » 14 Jul 2006 17:41
Chicken Balti PieRoyalBlueChicken Balti PieJay Not quite the made rush the football club were expecting. When you look at our season ticket prices compared to Watford and Sheffield United, it may be a slight indication as to why.
Shut up knob![]()
Compare apples for apples at least.
Watford is comparing apples with apples. Smaller capacity ground, less wealthy backer, still spending a reasonable amount of money. Considerably cheaper season tickets and maintaining very cheap child prices because they genuinely believe in encouraging young supporters, the lifeblood of tomorrow.
Oh, and rest assured, house prices considerably higher than Reading- I should know, I live within a few miles of Watford! You might also be incorrect in your assessment of relative demand too.
I mentioned demand for tickets when comparing with Watford
by Berkshire Born » 14 Jul 2006 18:19
by Forbury Lion » 14 Jul 2006 19:14
Plus people living in Reading are not going to get a cheaper deal by buying a ST in Sheffield as travel costs will be a factor.Chicken Balti Pie Would you compare house prices the same ?
Oooooh it is very cheap in Sheffield !
You charge the price that people can afford whilst not jeopordising filling the ground.
Demand in Reading is higher than Watford (I would have thought ?)
Desposible income is higher in Reading than Sheffield (I would have thought ?)
by cheeryoleary » 17 Jul 2006 09:02
by Mr C » 17 Jul 2006 10:19
cheeryoleary Yay! Got one. I have 158 points
Back of the net
by Starry Blue Hooped Wonder » 17 Jul 2006 12:31
by cheeryoleary » 17 Jul 2006 12:41
Mr Ccheeryoleary Yay! Got one. I have 158 points
Back of the net
How do you know you got it?
by DaveM » 18 Jul 2006 17:46
by Holding Out Hope » 18 Jul 2006 19:27
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