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by Stranded » 24 Jul 2006 16:18

Riseley So as RFC is run on such autocratic lines any decision made by the club is above criticism as to do so reflects badly on our saviour Mr Mad?

I'm not saying that he hasn't made a mistake here or in the past (and I've criticised decisions in the past myself), just that I personally feel that a lot of people have gone OTT over this particular point.

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by Alan Partridge » 24 Jul 2006 16:20

Riseley So as RFC is run on such autocratic lines any decision made by the club is above criticism as to do so reflects badly on our saviour Mr Mad?

I'm not saying that he hasn't made a mistake here or in the past (and I've criticised decisions in the past myself), just that I personally feel that a lot of people have gone OTT over this particular point.

Stranded do you live in Reading by any chance? Anyone that doesn't and cant' go to away games for whatever reason (other commitments, price whatever) now can't listen to Reading matches on the radio. Something HAS to be wrong there! :?

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by Gordons Cumming » 24 Jul 2006 16:24

Stranded ................. just that I personally feel that a lot of people have gone OTT over this particular point.

This is true.

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by Stranded » 24 Jul 2006 16:27

Alan Partridge
Riseley So as RFC is run on such autocratic lines any decision made by the club is above criticism as to do so reflects badly on our saviour Mr Mad?

I'm not saying that he hasn't made a mistake here or in the past (and I've criticised decisions in the past myself), just that I personally feel that a lot of people have gone OTT over this particular point.

Stranded do you live in Reading by any chance? Anyone that doesn't and cant' go to away games for whatever reason (other commitments, price whatever) now can't listen to Reading matches on the radio. Something HAS to be wrong there! :?

Isn't that sadly a fact of life, people will miss out on things and people will complain and then in 4 weeks time when the season has started this will be forgotten by the majority of people as there will be something else to talk about/whinge about.

Like I've said, I'd really be interested in knowing exactly how many people really are affected by this move (as in an average listenership to the commentary) rather than just 500,000 potential listeners.

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by weybridgewanderer » 24 Jul 2006 16:28

BBC Berks goes all the way east to colnbrook

I bet you won't get 107 anywhere near slough

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by Alan Partridge » 24 Jul 2006 16:32

Alan Partridge
Riseley So as RFC is run on such autocratic lines any decision made by the club is above criticism as to do so reflects badly on our saviour Mr Mad?

I'm not saying that he hasn't made a mistake here or in the past (and I've criticised decisions in the past myself), just that I personally feel that a lot of people have gone OTT over this particular point.

Stranded do you live in Reading by any chance? Anyone that doesn't and cant' go to away games for whatever reason (other commitments, price whatever) now can't listen to Reading matches on the radio. Something HAS to be wrong there! :?

Isn't that sadly a fact of life, people will miss out on things and people will complain and then in 4 weeks time when the season has started this will be forgotten by the majority of people as there will be something else to talk about/whinge about.

Like I've said, I'd really be interested in knowing exactly how many people really are affected by this move (as in an average listenership to the commentary) rather than just 500,000 potential listeners.

Anyone that doesn't live in Reading and listens to Reading matches. The only way you could find that out is if Radio Berks have records of the audience they attracted each week.

It wouldn't be 500,000 but I bet it would be an awful lot and fo rthe sake of £35,000 I find it very sad that JM has taken his stance on it. His interview is one of the poorest he's done in all the time he's been here. 'Do we not realise it's more expensive?' Err yes we do John it's why all of our season tickets are up £200.

This is an issue that won't be forgotten in a hurry believe me. If Reading 107 had the exact same catchment area then it wouldn't be a problem. It doesn't and lots of long standing Reading fans will now not be able to listen to the games on the radio. Utterly ridiculous.

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by Yahoops » 24 Jul 2006 16:32

Stranded Like I've said, I'd really be interested in knowing exactly how many people really are affected by this move (as in an average listenership to the commentary) rather than just 500,000 potential listeners.

Enough people to justify the BBC, a non-commercial radio station, bidding a substantial sum to get broadcasting rights. Other than that who knows?

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by Gordons Cumming » 24 Jul 2006 16:34

Alan Partridge This is an issue that won't be forgotten in a hurry believe me. If Reading 107 had the exact same catchment area then it wouldn't be a problem. It doesn't and lots of long standing Reading fans will now not be able to listen to the games on the radio. Utterly ridiculous.

Lighten up, Alan. At least we've got a club to whinge about. Thanks to a certain person who's irritating you at the moment. :shock:

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by wehateoxford » 24 Jul 2006 16:35

obviously in 4 weeks time we'll be debating different issues, as this one will have been quashed/victorious.

you seem to be having a crack at people complaining just for the sake of complaining about people complaining

also, i think the turning point when madjeski made a decision against the fans will, and stuck to it by a hardline will stick in peoples minds, especially as most think this is a short term move for mr mad himself, not us
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by ellpryjon » 24 Jul 2006 16:36

Gordons Cumming
Alan Partridge This is an issue that won't be forgotten in a hurry believe me. If Reading 107 had the exact same catchment area then it wouldn't be a problem. It doesn't and lots of long standing Reading fans will now not be able to listen to the games on the radio. Utterly ridiculous.

Lighten up, Alan. At least we've got a club to whinge about. Thanks to a certain person who's irritating you at the moment. :shock:

read my previous post

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by Gordons Cumming » 24 Jul 2006 16:37

wehateoxford obviously in 4 weeks time we'll be debating different issues, as this one will have been quashed/victorious.

you seem to be having a crack at people complaining just for the sake of complaining about people complaining

Who are you talking to? Not me, shirley?

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by Gordons Cumming » 24 Jul 2006 16:38

Gordons Cumming
Alan Partridge This is an issue that won't be forgotten in a hurry believe me. If Reading 107 had the exact same catchment area then it wouldn't be a problem. It doesn't and lots of long standing Reading fans will now not be able to listen to the games on the radio. Utterly ridiculous.

Lighten up, Alan. At least we've got a club to whinge about. Thanks to a certain person who's irritating you at the moment. :shock:

read my previous post

Your point?

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by wehateoxford » 24 Jul 2006 16:39

im talking to stranded.

i respect what both you and stranded say on these boards, but i really feel he's taking an alternative position here to be 'above' us

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by STAR Voice » 24 Jul 2006 16:42

I've just posted an update on this situation in the STAR forum.

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by Alan Partridge » 24 Jul 2006 16:44

If you don't feel this bothers you then why post on this thread? The general consesus is that people are extremely unhappy that they can now not listen to Reading matches. I'm lucky enough to be able to go to every game but many are not.

Why try and start arguements on this thread for the sake of it?

This is a poor decision from JM which has no benefit to RFC or it's fans but to him. I could understand the ticket increase, the crap the shop sells, the new kits, any other thing they've done to cash in on promotion/the Premiership. There has always been reason/s behind every move they've done. The only reason for excluding possibly 500,000 people listening to Reading games is £35,000. :? That makes ZERO sense, no long term profit and just a lot of pissed off fans.

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by Gordons Cumming » 24 Jul 2006 16:47

Alan Partridge
Why try and start arguements on this thread for the sake of it?


juvenile mode on# " annoy you? " juvenile mode off#

Listen, Reading FC have, in the past been absolutely crap at PR. They are now and probably continue to be in the future.

It is part of the world that is " supporting the Royals ". Learn to live with it.
I have.

I am currently in negotiations with Reading FC myself about another matter and believe me I'm pulling my hair out. That is the way it is.
Last edited by Gordons Cumming on 24 Jul 2006 16:52, edited 1 time in total.

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by willz_royal » 24 Jul 2006 16:49

Either way, 107 is a local frequency, and the Reading Frequency runs out just past overton, annd goes to Isle of White :?: :shock: and micheldever gets Winchester. This is poor, and is only about 15 mile radius, which is pathetic, as some people who are in West Berks cant get it~! :shock: [/url]

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by andyhalls » 24 Jul 2006 19:22

We're up to 966 so far... would be nice to make 1000 !


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by thefruits » 24 Jul 2006 19:30

It would appear that the club have recognised the efforts of the fans to express their concerns about the commentary situation. I sincerely hope that over the next few days we get a satisfactory outcome (dual commentary) and that the club realise that their fans are willing to stand up and be counted ( or sit down and write emails etc..).

I don't think we would have even got this far if it wasnt' for the efforts of the regulars on here and in particular the efforts and inspired idea to start a petition (Well Done AH).

The petition certainly makes interesting reading. I hope we can keep it for posterity so that if this kind of decision is contemplated in the future they will take the fans opinions into account before making a decision.

We're up to 966 so far... would be nice to make 1000 !

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by From Despair To Where? » 24 Jul 2006 19:31

I can't help but think that the broadcasting rights issue is the straw that has broken the camel's back. Maybe it's not a significant issue in the wider scheme of things but in wake of all the other things people have moaned about, such as shit catering, premium rate ticket lines, changing the strip every year, bodging the end of season DVD, higher than expected ticket price increases etc it is the one issue that has prompted a lot of people to finally get vocal.

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