by zac naloen » 10 Aug 2006 09:07
by Wycombe Royal » 10 Aug 2006 09:08
zac naloen Is there a source for this contract?
Nothing on the official site..
by zac naloen » 10 Aug 2006 09:15
Wycombe Royalzac naloen Is there a source for this contract?
Nothing on the official site..
What contract? Apart from Woodcote Royal's sarcasm no-one has mentioned one.
by Gordons Cumming » 10 Aug 2006 09:26
wehateoxford72 bus The bloke has 24 yellows and one red in 25 games in russia, walks around moscow carrying a gun.
three games into a trial with reading he headbutts a swede. in a no pressure game.
the bloke is barking and shouldnt be allowed into the country
will be on a life ban before the season is half over.
not being funny, but if your mate had been clattered with a baseball bat, and most people hated you on basis of your skin AND you were in a country notorious for its mob and corruption, you wouldnt carry a gun?
i think to a degree the hell that this lads obviously suffered is what makes him a more violent aggresive character, but i dont think it can be a sole excuse. Maybe, and it is a maybe if he came over here and got settled he'd tone down a bit. Not to say he'd have a exemplary record, but maybe be a bit more of a roy keane type.
every club needs a hard man
by West Stand Man » 10 Aug 2006 09:38
by Gordons Cumming » 10 Aug 2006 09:49
West Stand Man Anyone remember Phil Parkinson. Now there was a gentle chap who never picked up any cards at all. Always pussy-footed into tackles, never confronted opposition players, a real soft and lovable gent on the football pitch. Perhaps thats why no Reading fans revere him then?
by wehateoxford » 10 Aug 2006 10:09
by Gordons Cumming » 10 Aug 2006 10:30
wehateoxford when you see stuff like zidanes headbutt at the WC or shevchenkos headbutt in the champs league 2 seasons ago, one in a friendly doesnt seem that bad....
by ferret » 10 Aug 2006 10:38
by SpaceCruiser » 10 Aug 2006 10:40
ferret And how about good ol Ricky Newman he ended that Bristol Citys Player's career by stamping on his leg(to this day the worst tackle i have ever seen at a game) but he still played for us for 3 seasons.
by ferret » 10 Aug 2006 10:53
by Royalwaster » 10 Aug 2006 10:54
Gordons CummingWest Stand Man Anyone remember Phil Parkinson. Now there was a gentle chap who never picked up any cards at all. Always pussy-footed into tackles, never confronted opposition players, a real soft and lovable gent on the football pitch. Perhaps thats why no Reading fans revere him then?
Phil Parkinson didn't go around nutting people though, did he?
by SpaceCruiser » 10 Aug 2006 10:55
ferret I was sitting in the stands and i saw him do it , it was nasty and to this day i have no idea how he got away with it.
by West Stand Man » 10 Aug 2006 10:59
I can still see the elbow in the face that got him sent off about 5 years ago. Love him to bits, but not an angel.Gordons CummingWest Stand Man Anyone remember Phil Parkinson. Now there was a gentle chap who never picked up any cards at all. Always pussy-footed into tackles, never confronted opposition players, a real soft and lovable gent on the football pitch. Perhaps thats why no Reading fans revere him then?
Phil Parkinson didn't go around nutting people though, did he?
by Gordons Cumming » 10 Aug 2006 11:00
West Stand Man Phil Parkinson ............................... I Love him to bits, .
by Ian Royal » 10 Aug 2006 11:01
SpaceCruiserferret I was sitting in the stands and i saw him do it , it was nasty and to this day i have no idea how he got away with it.
Then you have poor eyesight. It was not a stamp.
by SpaceCruiser » 10 Aug 2006 11:07
Ian RoyalSpaceCruiserferret I was sitting in the stands and i saw him do it , it was nasty and to this day i have no idea how he got away with it.
Then you have poor eyesight. It was not a stamp.
so you know exactly what incident he is refering to and were in the stand and also saw it perfectly is that what your saying Spacey? Because it's not like you don't have a habit of being completely biased in favour of our players no matter what the situation now is it?
by Ian Royal » 10 Aug 2006 11:15
by SpaceCruiser » 10 Aug 2006 11:20
by Binfield Royal » 10 Aug 2006 11:21
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