Strangely optimistic about next season.

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No Fixed Abode

Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by No Fixed Abode » 13 May 2016 12:44

floyd__streete ^ I think I remember reading that BMc was well thought of by Leeds fans :?:

Still, I am sure you know best.

BM is well thought of by Reading fans. It doesn't mean he's going to be a success.

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Longhorn1970 » 13 May 2016 12:58

No Fixed Abode
floyd__streete ^ I think I remember reading that BMc was well thought of by Leeds fans :?:

Still, I am sure you know best.

BM is well thought of by Reading fans. It doesn't mean he's going to be a success.

I think the jury is out on that ...

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Longhorn1970 » 13 May 2016 13:04

Maneki Neko
Elm Park Kid I don't think McDermott is a genius or necessary the best person in the world to manage RFC; I just think it's got to a point where a club is better off having any manager for an extended period of time then chopping and changing. The only way a manager can get the best out of players is if they respect him and know that he's going to be around longer than they are. At least Brian is a decent, likable figure who represents many of the traits we want to see at the club, he also obviously has a track record that suggests he could succeed.

If the owners decided to go down the Leicester City route, spend £100m over a number of seasons and push for the big time, then i guess that they could find someone 'better' and bring in new managers as the situation requires. Honestly though i've had enough of that sort of stuff and would happy support a mediocre team where loyalty and continuity are valued higher than short term results.

Yarp. You are not alone.we are the quiet majority

A mediocre manager for a mediocre team ? I doubt that was the discussion when he was appointed but none of us will know what the expectations are, but somehow I don't think the owners (of the business which it is) would settle for mediocrity ..

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by RoyallyFcuked » 13 May 2016 13:11

Vision Nothing RF has written, whether I agree with it or not, warrants you acting like such a condescending prick in your response.

Thank you Vision. I have come to expect the condescending from Top FLOLight, who can actually make some fair points in amongst the garbage, not unlike myself some may say.

Top Flight I apologise Vision you are right. He annoyed me a bit because he has been telling posters to stop riding on McDermott's dick and telling others to get McDermott's dick out of their mouths. So, I got a bit condescending. I apologise. It was wrong.


Yes mate I did say that, but if you look its only been my response to being insulted by a McDermott fan club member.

But Mr Flight I feel you are too one sided and simply will not hear a bad word against Brian, he could sleep with your missus and you'd still say he was the right man for the job.

I think that despite being quite negative I have been quite realistic with my thoughts on McD, if a little harsh on the old boy.

And as I said elsewhere, I was very positive after last summers transfer window and even more so during that great spell under Clarke. So I'm not always negative by any means.

No Fixed Abode Pay anyone enough money or someone who is desperate for a job and they'll show you loyalty. It was a good job Reading came back in for BM as he was really on the managerial scrap heap after getting the chop from Reading then having a terrible spell at Leeds.

There is actually a lot of truth in this. It's not like Brian will even be getting paid that much, he would have been happy to accept a fairly low salary and a lot less than Clarke, and a lot more than what he earned as a scout.

As I said before, if Brian is so great then why else has no other Championship club want him when he left us aside from Leeds, and why did no one want him after he left Leeds?

It was a soft option and cop out by the club to bring him back when we could and should have got someone of a higher calibre in, but a very clever move because the club knew that because of what he achieved here before, and circumstances in which he left, most of our fans can't say they are disappointed at his appointment or call for him to leave without feeling some level of guilt and loyalty to the man, so they are more lenient and give him more time than they would anyone else, putting less pressure on the board.

Also, at Leeds they think of him as 'nice bloke, average manager', the truth basically.

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Silver Fox » 13 May 2016 13:20

No Fixed Abode
floyd__streete ^ I think I remember reading that BMc was well thought of by Leeds fans :?:

Still, I am sure you know best.

BM is well thought of by Reading fans. It doesn't mean he's going to be a success.

I think the jury is out on that ...

Nope, he's definitely going to be a success

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Top Flight » 13 May 2016 13:26

Vision Nothing RF has written, whether I agree with it or not, warrants you acting like such a condescending prick in your response.

Thank you Vision. I have come to expect the condescending from Top FLOLight, who can actually make some fair points in amongst the garbage, not unlike myself some may say.

Top Flight I apologise Vision you are right. He annoyed me a bit because he has been telling posters to stop riding on McDermott's dick and telling others to get McDermott's dick out of their mouths. So, I got a bit condescending. I apologise. It was wrong.


Yes mate I did say that, but if you look its only been my response to being insulted by a McDermott fan club member.

But Mr Flight I feel you are too one sided and simply will not hear a bad word against Brian, he could sleep with your missus and you'd still say he was the right man for the job.

I think that despite being quite negative I have been quite realistic with my thoughts on McD, if a little harsh on the old boy.

And as I said elsewhere, I was very positive after last summers transfer window and even more so during that great spell under Clarke. So I'm not always negative by any means.

No Fixed Abode Pay anyone enough money or someone who is desperate for a job and they'll show you loyalty. It was a good job Reading came back in for BM as he was really on the managerial scrap heap after getting the chop from Reading then having a terrible spell at Leeds.

There is actually a lot of truth in this. It's not like Brian will even be getting paid that much, he would have been happy to accept a fairly low salary and a lot less than Clarke, and a lot more than what he earned as a scout.

As I said before, if Brian is so great then why else has no other Championship club want him when he left us aside from Leeds, and why did no one want him after he left Leeds?

It was a soft option and cop out by the club to bring him back when we could and should have got someone of a higher calibre in, but a very clever move because the club knew that because of what he achieved here before, and circumstances in which he left, most of our fans can't say they are disappointed at his appointment or call for him to leave without feeling some level of guilt and loyalty to the man, so they are more lenient and give him more time than they would anyone else, putting less pressure on the board.

Also, at Leeds they think of him as 'nice bloke, average manager', the truth basically.

I'm sorry I got a bit condescending Royally Fcuked up! At the end of the day you love Reading FC, so maximum respect for that. You're a good man. We both have different ideas of who is the right manager to get us back to the Premier League, but the Premier League is where we both want to get to.

If you don't think Brian is the right manager to lead us back to the top flight, then which manager who Reading can realistically appoint do you think should be the man to lead the team?

No Fixed Abode

Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by No Fixed Abode » 13 May 2016 13:38

Silver Fox
No Fixed Abode
BM is well thought of by Reading fans. It doesn't mean he's going to be a success.

I think the jury is out on that ...

Nope, he's definitely going to be a success

Hark at Mystic Smeg.

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Silver Fox » 13 May 2016 13:40

Nice one Spacey

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by stealthpapes » 13 May 2016 13:47

Mr Angry I rarely post on the Team board nowadays because, as someone who had a conscious uncoupling to the club a while ago, I felt that I couldn't add to the debate about what was wrong, what needed to be done etc etc.

Until today.

I don't claim to be in the know and what I'm about to write will, no doubt, be shot down in flames; I put it out there for what it is..........

I bumped into someone this afternoon who is in the know at Reading, and we had a brief chat about life, and of course, Reading FC.

The main points of the RFC conversation were as follows:

*The loanees were simply mercenaries who had no heart for RFC and frankly, couldn't give a toss, and as such were impossible to effectively manage.

*As soon as the team lost to Palace in the FA Cup QF, mentally they ended their season.

*The Thai's have run the football side their way for the last 2 Years; 3 good, experienced Managers (Adkins, Clarke and McDermott) have all struggled to produce success as a direct result of the Thai's methods, and this Summer will see if they will change and accept a different way of doing it. (I assumed by that - although I didn't ask to clarify this point - that the Thai's were the ones who not only that sanctioned the policy of having an influx of big money loanees, but were the ones that actively demanded it).

*McDermott plans to stay and do the job as best as he can in the circumstances afforded to him, has the best interests of RFC at heart and if anyone can turn things around at the club, then it will be him.

*The team need 7 or 8 new players.

*4 or 5 are going to be free transfers.

*All new players will be judged not just on ability, but on knowing the division, fitting into the ethos of Reading FC that needs to be re-established, and to be hungry and with something to prove.

*Do not expect major names being signed for big money.

I told the guy that I had become so disillusioned I had stopped going to games, and he said he can understand why someone would do that.


That is all.

The bits in blue are obvious. Last one of these is what I want to hear.

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Maneki Neko » 13 May 2016 13:51

Maneki Neko
Elm Park Kid I don't think McDermott is a genius or necessary the best person in the world to manage RFC; I just think it's got to a point where a club is better off having any manager for an extended period of time then chopping and changing. The only way a manager can get the best out of players is if they respect him and know that he's going to be around longer than they are. At least Brian is a decent, likable figure who represents many of the traits we want to see at the club, he also obviously has a track record that suggests he could succeed.

If the owners decided to go down the Leicester City route, spend £100m over a number of seasons and push for the big time, then i guess that they could find someone 'better' and bring in new managers as the situation requires. Honestly though i've had enough of that sort of stuff and would happy support a mediocre team where loyalty and continuity are valued higher than short term results.

Yarp. You are not alone.we are the quiet majority

A mediocre manager for a mediocre team ? I doubt that was the discussion when he was appointed but none of us will know what the expectations are, but somehow I don't think the owners (of the business which it is) would settle for mediocrity ..

so he isn't mediocre, or they wouldn't have settled for him.....

No Fixed Abode

Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by No Fixed Abode » 13 May 2016 16:14

Club meeting

"Bring back Brian. He's a fans favourite and he'll be cheap"

"If he doesn't do well - we won't get the blame for re-appointing him".

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Top Flight » 13 May 2016 16:18


"Let's bring back Brian. He has won 1 League title, has achieved 3 Cup quarter finals and a Play-Off final in just 3 years of management in the Championship. What other manager could we afford that has a track record like that?"

"Nobody, Brian is the outstanding candidate"

No Fixed Abode

Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by No Fixed Abode » 13 May 2016 16:26

Top Flight
"Nobody, Brian is the outstanding candidate"

I bet they're not so sure now!

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Top Flight » 13 May 2016 16:34

No Fixed Abode
Top Flight
"Nobody, Brian is the outstanding candidate"

I bet they're not so sure now!

Brian hasn't underperformed in anyway for there to be any doubts. The problems with the playing staff needed to be addressed. That's why they fired Clarke and brought in the man with the axe. Now that we are in the chopping season, Brian can start getting to work. Already 9 heads have rolled and there is still more chopping to be done.

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Longhorn1970 » 13 May 2016 16:49

Silver Fox
No Fixed Abode
BM is well thought of by Reading fans. It doesn't mean he's going to be a success.

I think the jury is out on that ...

Nope, he's definitely going to be a success

just no evidence of it yet ...

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Longhorn1970 » 13 May 2016 16:56

Top Flight
No Fixed Abode
Top Flight
"Nobody, Brian is the outstanding candidate"

I bet they're not so sure now!

Brian hasn't underperformed in anyway for there to be any doubts. The problems with the playing staff needed to be addressed. That's why they fired Clarke and brought in the man with the axe. Now that we are in the chopping season, Brian can start getting to work. Already 9 heads have rolled and there is still more chopping to be done.

he's been very under whelming, he got no reaction from the players and was found out tactically on too many occasions against ordinary opposition ...

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Top Flight » 13 May 2016 16:58

Top Flight
No Fixed Abode
I bet they're not so sure now!

Brian hasn't underperformed in anyway for there to be any doubts. The problems with the playing staff needed to be addressed. That's why they fired Clarke and brought in the man with the axe. Now that we are in the chopping season, Brian can start getting to work. Already 9 heads have rolled and there is still more chopping to be done.

he's been very under whelming, he got no reaction from the players and was found out tactically on too many occasions against ordinary opposition ...

Which is why he has taken an axe to his squad. Bye Bye to those first nine, lazy good for no one assh0les.

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Longhorn1970 » 13 May 2016 17:04

Top Flight
Elm Park Kid Well I take a different approach to most fans. I don't really care about short term success or how pretty our style of football is. I like McDermott and i'd be happy just to see some stability at the club as long as we have players that want to be here. I don't see why a club with only the 11th highest attendance in the league and no 'sugar daddy' should be expecting promotion every season. If I was the owners of RFC i'd give McDermott a permanent contract which would only be cancelled if we went below league one.

A fair post that I agree with to some extent. I guess I'm different in the fact that I prefer to see decent football and I'd rather watch us play well as much as possible even if we lose a few games as apose to playing shit most of the time and deserving to lose or getting results that our performance usually didn't merit.

Also considering where we have been in the last 10 years or so I think the objective every season should be to challenge for promotion/play offs, and not to merely stay in the championship or even be mid table every season.

Top Flight The reason i said "Don't tell me Brian is tactically inept" is because you said that Brian was tactically inept. So it all started with you Royally Fffffd up.

Stop accusing the tactical genius of being inept. He is an outstanding manager. He has proved it to you before and now he will prove it to you again. As the Royals go marching up up up.

I'm not the first person to say it pal, and I highly doubt I will be the last.

I've actually had more people agree with me than you have, which is saying something considering the amount of McDermott fanboys on here.

Have to admire your level of optimism and faith in the man, even if it is bordering on insanity.

Whilst I'd agree that Top Flight's over the top defence of McDermott is ludicrous. It's only a match for what you've written there.

The final few months of the title season were the most thrilling, exciting few months of football we've ever had. I just can't imagine any Reading fan thinking otherwise.

In fairness you make a very good point. Perhaps most of us have selective memories and in this case I can't help but remember the negatives while others remember the positives. We have had some great times under Brian I wasn't saying we haven't. The second half of the title season was brilliant no question, West Ham away was one of the best games I've ever been to and we actually played really well that day, also Forest away the season before sticks in mind as one of the best ever.

The play off season and the title season were similar in the fact from being nowhere around Christmas we soared into contention with an 8 game win streak, so yes when things start going in our favour and the momentum is there Brian can build on it. It's when things are not going so well that I question his abilities.

If we take a look at why we were exciting in the title season, and we can compare the two title winning seasons we've had, the one under McD was exciting because the games were close and dramatic, we didn't dominate games and we didn't create that many chances but were very good at taking the ones we did create. If you look at it, often in games in that run in we'd have a lot less shots than the opposition but still get the result. (Southampton away for example, but with three superbly taken goals and poor finishing from the opposition it didn't matter). This continued into the Premier League season in the games we got results in as well. There were too many games in that season though, where there was a lack of ideas which left us with little chance, the way we played in the Championship was not enough anymore and Brian seemed to have no clue how to change it.

Meanwhile the season under Coppell we dominated games playing great football and always creating chances, and because of that you had always faith we could do the job. Of course there were times when we conceded but we'd just go up the other end and score again, this trait also continued somewhat into the first Premier League season. There was an air of confidence and belief about that side like nothing I've seen in my time watching Reading. The McDermott team didn't have that, although part of it is the fact that despite both sides having no real stars or stand out players the Coppell team was a more talented squad and had better quality overall.

I guess what I'm saying is, it wasn't a fluke when we went up under Brian but it feels like a one off. His basic football and tactics combined with some amazing team spirit from a bunch of decent enough at that level but mostly fairly limited footballers that felt they owed him somewhat plus a never say die attitude that meant we kept ourselves at least within reach in games right till the end and stole results with late goals. The chances of Brian creating something like that happen again, in the same way without really changing much seem very slim.

But the team spirit of the 106ers was brilliant as well, even better in fact, and they still had the never say die attitude, they just relied on it less because they had better quality than the 2012 team in all areas.

I agree that because McD over achieved massively, in a way he was a victim of his own success. Despite that, none of this changes the fact his style of football is boring and one dimensional and that he is limited in his abilty as a manager in my opinion, and what he has shown over time is that he cannot really adapt, he doesn't have a plan B.

If you get a team like the one that went up under Coppell playing the way that we were, it would win promotion from the Championship every time. The team that went up under McDermott would not.

If by some absolute miracle he takes us up again I'll happily declare my love for the man and say I'm sorry that I ever doubted him. I just cannot see it happening.

What the hell is your point?

Just to take you up on this paragraph that you wrote: Royally Fcuked up said "I agree that because McD over achieved massively, in a way he was a victim of his own success. Despite that, none of this changes the fact his style of football is boring and one dimensional and that he is limited in his abilty as a manager in my opinion, and what he has shown over time is that he cannot really adapt, he doesn't have a plan B. "

The reason McDermott is a great manager is because he can organise average players into a title winning team.

In the end it is the players that have to go out and perform. Their performance depends on their skill levels and capabilities, fitness and desire. McDermott did his job by making sure the tactics were right, the desire and hunger was there and that the players were fit enough. After that it comes down to what they are capable of. He really did take that group as far as he could based on their capabilities. That makes him a great manager for being able to do that.

I know you want certain types of football to be played in a certain way. But, our players were limited by their own abilities. Ian Harte was never going to go bombing down the left wing. Leigertwood was good, but he isn't as good as YaYa Toure. You want McDermott to adapt, but he played the most effective way that his players could manage. They got relegated in the end because they were not good enough. The next steps were to continue evolving the squad and try and improve the players. This part of the job of a manager takes time and transfer windows. You have to build brick by brick. You can't suddenly go from Noel Hunt to Aguero.

The great manager Rafa Benitez couldn't keep Newcastle up in the end. They went down with far better players than we had under McDermott.

Why don't you compare Benitez with Warnock or Lee Johnson who took sides from the drop zone to safety ? BM did not take over a side facing relegation as you seem to think ..

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Top Flight » 13 May 2016 17:05

Top Flight
No Fixed Abode
I bet they're not so sure now!

Brian hasn't underperformed in anyway for there to be any doubts. The problems with the playing staff needed to be addressed. That's why they fired Clarke and brought in the man with the axe. Now that we are in the chopping season, Brian can start getting to work. Already 9 heads have rolled and there is still more chopping to be done.

he's been very under whelming, he got no reaction from the players and was found out tactically on too many occasions against ordinary opposition ...

Who do you want to see as manager?

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Re: Strangely optimistic about next season.

by Top Flight » 13 May 2016 17:11

Do you think Vydra would have started scoring for Warnock?

Do you think Piazon would have suddenly toughened up?

Do you think these players would have performed differently for Warnock?

Brian got enough out of them to assure our status in this division and then he immediately started planning for next season by running a series of experiments.

I like Neil Warnock, I think he's a good manager. If Brian wasn't an option then I would have been open to Warnock as our boss.

As we have appointed Brian, I am more than happy with Brian and would prefer to keep Brian. I think Brian has proven that he is as good a manager as Warnock. Warnock would have had a similarly difficult time if he was our boss this season.

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