by Dr_Hfuhruhurr »
14 Sep 2015 07:54
Harpers So Solid Crew Interesting to note that only 4 of the starting 11 against Arsenal at Wembley are still here. Yet most seem to agree we look better this season.
So much so I am thinking of going again, might try Everton for my return.
The trick is to time your return. Go after a 5-1 and you'll be forever labelled a glory hunter, which is pretty much the worse thing that can befall a football supporter. I too feel the corner has been turned in the last few weeks, but I'm waiting for an inevitable 2-3 game streak without winning. You'll need an excuse as well - I'm going for "Well I think I had it better not going in the Adkins era, and had my doubts about Clarke when he played premiership youth players in front of ours". I like it. It suggests I have still been following the team, and is passive aggressive enough to avoid a comeback.
As for the game, the aftermatch interviews were quite telling. I liked Clarkes 9 points in six games realism. and Mick was 1000% more convincing than Mourinho was this weekend, in shouldering some of the blame for the loss (or, at least the size of it). Its beginning to look like both teams have good, honest managers in charge and could both do well this year.