P!ssed OffRoyal Ginger If it's such a great idea why isn't everyone doing it?
Plus I'm not sure where you're getting your 90% from, but assuming you're right, in your scenario you're still 10k short.
I market tickets for a living and giant discounts are the last resort for a desperately underselling show. if someone wants to see something, £10 or £30 won't usually make a vast difference. The profit margin is built into the ticket price and they already have a decent gate as a big club. As you say they must have done their sums and they must have their reasons, so I'll cede that point, but I maintain that it's quite a costly bit of marketing and not one that I'd expect many cubs being going for.
Football matches are not one-offs, like the shows you market though, are they.
People might come and pay £10 for a category C match and enjoy themselves so much that they decide to come back and pay £28-£32 for the Category A match in 2 weeks time.
It''s all about turning peripheral fans into core fans. Given the city of Sheffield has a population of 500,000 and Wednesday used to be a massive club, I would imagine they have a massive peripheral fan base to tap into. This peripheral fan base can easily be accommodated due to the massive stadium.
Plenty of clubs wouldn't go down this route for obvious reasons. Clubs like Reading do not have a broad dormant fan base to tap into. Even if they had such a fanbase, they might not have a stadium big enough to accommodate them.
I was about to comment something along those lines but then saw you had already explained it perfectly

Anyway, definitely in for this game, first of fair few aways this season for me at a bargain price. Guna take a few mates too instead of just the one