Derby Scum

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Re: Derby Scum

by biscuitsrus » 12 May 2008 00:39

Derby fans were very poor. It is funny that they were awarded "player of the season" says it all really. Shit fans, worse team!

I heard many pundits bigging Derby fans up this season but I was very disappointed with the lack of atmosphere that they generated.

I too spoke to some nice individuals outside the ground and in the pub which makes up for it somewhat but collectively a poor crowd.

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Re: Derby Scum

by Cookie » 12 May 2008 00:43

You gotta ignore that stuff.

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Re: Derby Scum

by earleyroyal » 12 May 2008 00:48

There was a small minority of fat, bald foul-mouthed bitter old men and young chavs trying to look hard by telling a group of about 4 Reading fans to oxf*rd off from a safe distance in a large crowd, as usual with almost any club including ours. There were also a lot of knowledgeable, friendly and good-humoured people - would we have sold out every home game despite being stuffed in our first Prem season, and gone down laughing? I doubt it - their celebrations on winning a corner made me laugh, and although the taunting when Fulham scored was unnecessary and infantile, so is most of the stuff that gets thrown between fans. We sung 'how shit must you be', 'worst team in history' and so on, why shouldn't they laugh when we're doing badly?

In short it was a normal game with normal fans, just because of the higher stakes for us and frustration from Derby fans at their team's crap performances boiling over that it looked worse.

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Re: Derby Scum

by Ozymandias » 12 May 2008 00:50

earleyroyal There was a small minority of fat, bald foul-mouthed bitter old men and young chavs trying to look hard by telling a group of about 4 Reading fans to oxf*rd off from a safe distance in a large crowd, as usual with almost any club including ours. There were also a lot of knowledgeable, friendly and good-humoured people - would we have sold out every home game despite being stuffed in our first Prem season, and gone down laughing? I doubt it - their celebrations on winning a corner made me laugh, and although the taunting when Fulham scored was unnecessary and infantile, so is most of the stuff that gets thrown between fans. We sung 'how shit must you be', 'worst team in history' and so on, why shouldn't they laugh when we're doing badly?

In short it was a normal game with normal fans, just because of the higher stakes for us and frustration from Derby fans at their team's crap performances boiling over that it looked worse.

Pretty much sums it up.

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Re: Derby Scum

by loyalroyal4life » 12 May 2008 01:25

biscuitsrus Derby fans were very poor. It is funny that they were awarded "player of the season" says it all really. Shit fans, worse team!

I heard many pundits bigging Derby fans up this season but I was very disappointed with the lack of atmosphere that they generated.

I too spoke to some nice individuals outside the ground and in the pub which makes up for it somewhat but collectively a poor crowd.

how can you say their fans are shit when they fill their ground even when being crowned worst ever team in prem history.

need to look closer to home cos if that was us, we'd be lucky to have half a stad full!!

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Re: Derby Scum

by Platypuss » 12 May 2008 07:53

earleyroyal There was a small minority of fat, bald foul-mouthed bitter old men and young chavs trying to look hard by telling a group of about 4 Reading fans to oxf*rd off from a safe distance in a large crowd, as usual with almost any club including ours. There were also a lot of knowledgeable, friendly and good-humoured people - would we have sold out every home game despite being stuffed in our first Prem season, and gone down laughing? I doubt it - their celebrations on winning a corner made me laugh, and although the taunting when Fulham scored was unnecessary and infantile, so is most of the stuff that gets thrown between fans. We sung 'how shit must you be', 'worst team in history' and so on, why shouldn't they laugh when we're doing badly?

In short it was a normal game with normal fans, just because of the higher stakes for us and frustration from Derby fans at their team's crap performances boiling over that it looked worse.

Have to agree wholeheartedly. Met a fair few Derby fans before and after the game and they were magnanimous to a man. A fair amount would love to have Coppell if he became available.

Maybe you just bring out the worst in people, Willz.

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Re: Derby Scum

by mini _dariusz » 12 May 2008 07:55

willz_royal Never in my (admittedly short) lifetime have i witnessed such a rude, obnoxious, basically horrible bunch of fans. They should be ashamed, but chances are they arn't. The amount of abuse flung at us was incredible when fulham scored. If they had put that much effort into supporting, maybe they would fair better on the park.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nothing like a good pot kettle and black statement.

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Re: Derby Scum

by Forbury Lion » 12 May 2008 08:13

The worrying thing for Derby fans must be the fact they lost 4-0 to a team they will be playing next season.

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Re: Derby Scum

by willz_royal » 12 May 2008 08:53

mini _dariusz
willz_royal Never in my (admittedly short) lifetime have i witnessed such a rude, obnoxious, basically horrible bunch of fans. They should be ashamed, but chances are they arn't. The amount of abuse flung at us was incredible when fulham scored. If they had put that much effort into supporting, maybe they would fair better on the park.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Nothing like a good pot kettle and black statement.

nah, maybe im just not as idiotic as you, but i wouldnt give two shits whether a goal had gone in to affect our opponents, let alone have a massive northern bukkake at their expense, but ah well.

quite looking forward to the championship this morning!

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Re: Derby Scum

by Pumpkin » 12 May 2008 09:49

I think this is what psychologists call " Displacement Activity ", stuff to take your mind off what is REALLY bothering us.

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Re: Derby Scum

by SpaceCruiser » 12 May 2008 11:45

willz_royal when stewards were just chatting about their day down the mines last week or whatever.

Dirty. Northern. Scum.

ALOL :lol:

I thought Derby was in East Midlands? :| :lol:

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Re: Derby Scum

by Big Ern » 12 May 2008 11:56

earleyroyal the taunting when Fulham scored was unnecessary and infantile,

I seem to remember the Reading Faithful informing Wolves fans of a certain football score that was crucial to them and which was going against them during a game at Elm Park some time back.

We have, and would have done the same thing, of that I am certain.

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Re: Derby Scum

by T.R.O.L.I. » 12 May 2008 11:58

Big Ern
earleyroyal the taunting when Fulham scored was unnecessary and infantile,

I seem to remember the Reading Faithful informing Wolves fans of a certain football score that was crucial to them and which was going against them during a game at Elm Park some time back.

Barnsley springs to mind - think it might have been the 96/97 season during the 2-1 home victory where Archie scored his late double.

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Re: Derby Scum

by brendywendy » 12 May 2008 12:00

ive done it before

after today id like to think i wont do it again

but i probably will

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Re: Derby Scum

by Jerry St Clair » 12 May 2008 12:04

Talking of scum.......

Are stewards automatically above the law at football matches? During the scuffling at the end yesterday, there appeared to be at least one Derby steward who was repeatedly punching Reading fans. it wasn't self-defence or restraint either. He appeared to be stepping back, surveying the scene, then moving forwards, fists raised, before hitting people.

There were at least two policemen right next to him during this, yet their attention was focussed entirely on arresting Reading fans.

This steward clearly acted totally unprofessionally and undoutedly aggravated the situation. The police should have got him out of there and, perhaps, removed him from the ground along with the other thugs.

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Re: Derby Scum

by Big Ern » 12 May 2008 12:06

Big Ern
earleyroyal the taunting when Fulham scored was unnecessary and infantile,

I seem to remember the Reading Faithful informing Wolves fans of a certain football score that was crucial to them and which was going against them during a game at Elm Park some time back.

Barnsley springs to mind - think it might have been the 96/97 season during the 2-1 home victory where Archie scored his late double.

Thats the one "Barnsley 2 Charlton nil halelluah"

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Re: Derby Scum

by biscuitsrus » 12 May 2008 12:08

biscuitsrus Derby fans were very poor. It is funny that they were awarded "player of the season" says it all really. Shit fans, worse team!

I heard many pundits bigging Derby fans up this season but I was very disappointed with the lack of atmosphere that they generated.

I too spoke to some nice individuals outside the ground and in the pub which makes up for it somewhat but collectively a poor crowd.

how can you say their fans are shit when they fill their ground even when being crowned worst ever team in prem history.

need to look closer to home cos if that was us, we'd be lucky to have half a stad full!!

Our stadium was more than half full during this relegation season. My view is that it all well and good to turn up but getting behind your team is another matter.

Derby fans did not get behind their team yesterday and my comment has nothing to do with RFC support in a hyperthetical situation.

So I say again Shit fans, worse team.

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Re: Derby Scum

by Arnie_Pie » 12 May 2008 12:25

Just appeared on BBC606 -

Sour Grapes? Southampton Mark 2?
Derby County Reading
by He Was A "Derby Man" (U8870869) 12 May 2008

comment on the article

Hello Royals, i've just stumbled across an article on a message board called hob nobs? And there is a moaning Reading fan on there disrespecting our club.

Now yes you may be angry and upset because you won 4-0 against a complete and utter shambles that wear those white shirts, but was still relegated. But if you read some of the messages some of your fans are calling Derby fans #';# (four letter word which comes out of your backside) how can any football fan call Derby fans that? Also one says that we didn't generate much of an atmosphere, well i'm sorry but it was the last day of the season, scorching hot, 11 points, relegated what last May? And some of you expect us to sound like we normally do. You must be foolish to think that.

I'm not blowing my own trumpet but i'm sure if Reading were relegated in March you would not recieve 7 full capacity (33,000 in Derbys case) also you wouldnt have an average attendance of 32,700.

This wasn't written towards all of you but to the fans that are saying things about our 'poor' support.

Here's the link I think the lad needs to grow up.

But some of you did have good things to say about us.

Oh an by the way, I had a nice chat with Mr.Madjeski yesterday and he said that our support this season is the best he has seen throughout the time he has been involved in football ;)

Thank You

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Re: Derby Scum

by SpaceCruiser » 12 May 2008 12:30

Coming from fans that chanted "You're only here to see the champions" on the opening day of a season back in 2002. :roll:

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Re: Derby Scum

by crossie » 12 May 2008 12:31

Yes, then another message:

Reading are a credit to football

Sorry to see you guys go down yesterday. Your fans were great yesterday, before, during and after the game. I am sorry that a few Rams fans were there baiting your fans after the game I was embarrased to be a Rams fan at that moment.

The Reading players were also real gentlemen after the game, my son wanted to see some of the players, and the Reading team were signing a lot of autographes for both sets of fans when they must have felt more like getting on the coach and going home.

Hopefully you won't feel down for too long (we have been expecting to do down since September so had a long time to get used to it), and look forward to meeting you next year. Perhaps we can both go back up?

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