tmesisSouthDownsRoyalWestYorksRoyal Seriously? I'd rather see the takeover go through than England win the Euros; it's existential.
But I'd rather see England win the Euros over promotion from L1, or even to the Premier League. I've seen promotion, it was good and I'd enjoy it again, but been there done that. I've never seen England have genuine success, and the celebrations and feel good would be another level. Not just a handful of friends and family to celebrate with, but practically everyone from school, uni, work etc.,. A proper celebration the country can enjoy together.
I think if given a choice between promotion back to the championship in 24/25 or England winning the Euros, I'd choose England winning the Euros, although a lot of that is that I think that barring Dai continuing, or the new owners being as just as bad, going back up is a matter of time - and I'm expecting us to not go up next season anyway.
Like most, I've never seen an England win, and I'd love it, and it would have the added benefit of massively annoying the Scots, Irish and Welsh, who seem to have taken England being knocked out the highlight of their tournament. In fairness, if you are Scottish, you've never had anything else to celebrate.
However, if given the option of an England win but Reading staying down for at least another four years, or no magic wand to wave, I wouldn't choose the England win.
Same. Although I'd probably take 4 decent years in L1 and existing without financial apocalypse for an England trophy win.