by howser » 17 Aug 2011 19:32
by West Stand Man » 17 Aug 2011 20:21
friday fan I read alot on here and post only sparingly. I have been a poster for a while under my current addy and under a previous addy. Whilst I can appreciate a good and open debate I find myself admist a number of seemingly pro Madjeski fans who quite basically berate and abuse non Madjeski posters. I would have thought for the good of constructive football debate that those pro Madjeski supporters who berate and abuse members on this board would just realise there was life pre Madjeski and everyone has a point of view. The world would be boring if we all agreed but people don't need to stoop to abuse or bullying when replying to posts.
The moderators might want to consider monitoring this and start to do something about this.
Now onto Madjeski, love him or not he is the Chairman. Personally I rejoiced when he took over but sadly he has lost his way. I'm not about shelling cash out for over rated players, I am for living within a budget, I am for giving the fans reasonable hope and I am not for slating the current chairman but I do have a view and my view is the sooner the club is sold then the better, I'm sure Madjeski echos that sentiment.
I'm not sure if the range of the pro Madjeski posters are juvenilles looking for a cheap wind up and therefore use that as some kind of perverse entertainment, if that is the case then I say move on and get off this site. For too long I have seen posters blatently slating and abusing points of views. All I want is a site like this to debate RFC matters, not to see the drivel that people dish out just because they can do (the moderators dont seem to do anthing).
I'll leave this for comment and debate.
by who are ya? » 17 Aug 2011 20:33
by Mr Angry » 17 Aug 2011 20:36
by WoodleyRoyal » 17 Aug 2011 20:45
by marcusopp » 17 Aug 2011 21:03
howser Within all the pro or anti Madejski arguements, what cant be denied is that he has no wish to authorise spending for a Premiership return, he has said many times that he is happy in the Championship. Be it business factors or other reasons for his reluctance, he has always berrated the wages that players earn and the "obscene" fees demanded for transfer of players, in that is, ironically he always pushes outgoing players fees to the max. It has been quoted on this thread that he wants £100m for the club, that is flying in cloud cuckoo land, I would be amazed if anyone would pay that sort of money for a club which would seem to be at best top 8 in the league, with the extra investment it would also need to make us a top two side.
BcD worked unbelievable magic last season to get us up to where we finished, but he needs some support from the owner to help him achieve his ultimate aim of getting us back to the Premiership, with that seemingly very unlikely, the only sure thing is that we will have a unsustainable black hole at the end of this season. So I suspect that we will have to swallow the peranial statement that we will "go with what we have", for the time being.
by marcusopp » 17 Aug 2011 21:04
Mr Angry Are we going to get this sort of thread after every defeat?
Jeez - its going to be a long season........................
For the record, I can remember RFC before SJM; I can remember standing on crumbling terraces, part of a crowd that used to get excited if we got 4000 gates, watching generally rubbish football in the lower reaches of the League pyramid, fearful that the club might be sold under us to a predator like Maxwell, or go bankrupt.
Those of us who remember RFC under Waller and Smee would have given ANYTHING to have had a Chairman like SJM, and to have experienced the highs that we have done, and its sad that so many fans have either forgotton what it was like, or have chosen to forget.
As a result, I'm more than happy to say that I'm a "fan" of SJM and of all he has done for our club, and I'm amazed - truly amazed - that there can be any of our fans who aren't.
When he does go, I really hope that we don't end up with owners who will make those fans who hope he leaves regret that day; don't forget, be careful what you wish for, cos you might get it.........
by Mid Sussex Royal » 17 Aug 2011 21:23
Mr Angry Are we going to get this sort of thread after every defeat?
Jeez - its going to be a long season........................
For the record, I can remember RFC before SJM; I can remember standing on crumbling terraces, part of a crowd that used to get excited if we got 4000 gates, watching generally rubbish football in the lower reaches of the League pyramid, fearful that the club might be sold under us to a predator like Maxwell, or go bankrupt.
Those of us who remember RFC under Waller and Smee would have given ANYTHING to have had a Chairman like SJM, and to have experienced the highs that we have done, and its sad that so many fans have either forgotton what it was like, or have chosen to forget.
As a result, I'm more than happy to say that I'm a "fan" of SJM and of all he has done for our club, and I'm amazed - truly amazed - that there can be any of our fans who aren't.
When he does go, I really hope that we don't end up with owners who will make those fans who hope he leaves regret that day; don't forget, be careful what you wish for, cos you might get it.........
by DOYLERSAROYALER » 17 Aug 2011 21:56
Wycombe Royal Until Madejski can find his billionnaire buyer with good intentions for the club then Madejski is the best option by a long shot.
People need to remember that his business interests have taken a severe knock over the past couple of years and he is having/had to renogiate his debts on more than one of his investments and is also selling his hotel in the Galapagos Islands. Therefore it is no surprise he runs this club on a very tight financial budget.
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 17 Aug 2011 21:57
Mid Sussex Royal Waller - agreed but that's very harsh on Smee - there maybe would be no RFC if he hadn't intervened in 1983. At least he quickly sold up when he had business difficulties and could no longer support the club - unlike the current chairman.
by Emmer Green Royal » 17 Aug 2011 22:06
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 17 Aug 2011 22:31
Emmer Green Royal Under Madjeski we've had the best ten years ever at RFC. If you want to argue that we should be doing something different, put your hand in your packet and relieve Madjeski of his burden. I agree that the moderators ought to stop the unreasonable anti-Madjeski abuse.
by sandman » 17 Aug 2011 22:43
by Jimmy the Tree » 17 Aug 2011 23:20
by paultheroyal » 17 Aug 2011 23:33
by brendywendy » 18 Aug 2011 09:44
Mr Angry Are we going to get this sort of thread after every defeat?
Jeez - its going to be a long season........................
For the record, I can remember RFC before SJM; I can remember standing on crumbling terraces, part of a crowd that used to get excited if we got 4000 gates, watching generally rubbish football in the lower reaches of the League pyramid, fearful that the club might be sold under us to a predator like Maxwell, or go bankrupt.
Those of us who remember RFC under Waller and Smee would have given ANYTHING to have had a Chairman like SJM, and to have experienced the highs that we have done, and its sad that so many fans have either forgotton what it was like, or have chosen to forget.
As a result, I'm more than happy to say that I'm a "fan" of SJM and of all he has done for our club, and I'm amazed - truly amazed - that there can be any of our fans who aren't.
When he does go, I really hope that we don't end up with owners who will make those fans who hope he leaves regret that day; don't forget, be careful what you wish for, cos you might get it.........
by brendywendy » 18 Aug 2011 09:46
DOYLERSAROYALERWycombe Royal Until Madejski can find his billionnaire buyer with good intentions for the club then Madejski is the best option by a long shot.
People need to remember that his business interests have taken a severe knock over the past couple of years and he is having/had to renogiate his debts on more than one of his investments and is also selling his hotel in the Galapagos Islands. Therefore it is no surprise he runs this club on a very tight financial budget.
..he's not looking for a billionaire investor...because he knows that no billionaire investor (with deep pockets) will be buying Reading...theyll be buying a premiership team ...this is just part of JM's PR bandwagon to keep him in the public limelight ...
..he also knowsthat by selling the club..he will slip into media obscurity, oh apart from the Madejski Academy being featured in the local rag.......and thats why he will never sell settle in for loads of selling and very little buying
by brendywendy » 18 Aug 2011 09:47
sandman Madejski reached ''the promised land'' found he didn't like it and is reluctant to try to get there again. He's old now, why would he have the same desire that he had 10 years ago? He has what he wants he's got his hotel and conference centre that has more chance of making a profit than the club. If he leaves he has nothing, sure he'd be rich the next day but he wouldn't have the minor celebrity profile, he wouldn't be able to walk on the pitch and have everyone clap him and he wouldn't have the yes men like Howe who are going to tell him exactly what he wants to hear. Let the old fella enjoy his semi-retirement.
by Gordons Cumming » 18 Aug 2011 09:57
by Royal Rother » 18 Aug 2011 09:58
Yesterday brendywendy couldnt give two monkeys about the man in all honesty...
Today brendywendy the man is a god...
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