Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

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Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by St Pauli » 28 Apr 2012 21:04

As a contributor to, buyer and reader of the Whiff, it seems to me this publication should be relaunched now we are back in the Premiership, as it was last time we were here.

Below posters can add their support for this idea/pledge to buy/pledge to contribute to/pledge to help sell the Whiff.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by southstand67 » 28 Apr 2012 21:05

Yea we need a fanzine. I'll subscribe.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by Badger Finger » 28 Apr 2012 21:19

I'd even write.

It may not be very good, but I'd do it.

I have some early 00's whiff at work. I let them off slowly like a 3 day old curry fart to my office neighbour who is a Gulls fan. He cries with laughter every time...

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by CavershamRoyal » 28 Apr 2012 21:22

Even an online something or other would be good (as long as it included Frank Fickle). Gets rid of printing costs, distribution etc. Not quite the same but better than nothing I suppose.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by royalsroyalsroyals92 » 28 Apr 2012 21:33

Badger Finger I'd even write.

It may not be very good, but I'd do it.

I have some early 00's whiff at work. I let them off slowly like a 3 day old curry fart to my office neighbour who is a Gulls fan. He cries with laughter every time...

I'd do the same. Absolutely LOVE the whiff, it needs
To return!

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by Friday's Legacy » 28 Apr 2012 21:33

Yes please.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by i_kingsley » 28 Apr 2012 21:46

Friday's Legacy Yes please.


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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by moo » 28 Apr 2012 22:46


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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by 1871 Royal » 29 Apr 2012 06:45

I would been 100% IN for buying this.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by Kitsondinho » 29 Apr 2012 07:13

Great idea!!

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by Bandini » 29 Apr 2012 07:28

The Whiff ran its course, and this time for 80s/90s style fanzines has come and gone.

The combination of the Tilehurst End, the podcast and, I guess, this place, is a more than adequate replacement.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by PieEater » 29 Apr 2012 07:33

Bandini The Whiff ran its course, and this time for 80s/90s style fanzines has come and gone.

The combination of the Tilehurst End, the podcast and, I guess, this place, is a more than adequate replacement.

That would be true if you could sit in the bowl prematch on your smartphone and read the articles. However since you can't even get a signal in the stadium I think there is room for the low tech alternative.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by toppy » 29 Apr 2012 08:14

Bandini The Whiff ran its course, and this time for 80s/90s style fanzines has come and gone.

The combination of the Tilehurst End, the podcast and, I guess, this place, is a more than adequate replacement.

That would be true if you could sit in the bowl prematch on your smartphone and read the articles. However since you can't even get a signal in the stadium I think there is room for the low tech alternative.

A nice little offline app for my iphone would be perfect, as like you my 3g sig is mostly off in the stad

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by St Pauli » 29 Apr 2012 08:24

Bandini The Whiff ran its course, and this time for 80s/90s style fanzines has come and gone.

The combination of the Tilehurst End, the podcast and, I guess, this place, is a more than adequate replacement.

Disagree, whilst those mentioned above might replace other fanzines, they don't adequately replace the Whiff. The first two are too focussed on just football to replace the Whiff, and even then only focussed on Reading and actual pitch based news, rather then comment and reflection on footballing culture generally. They also don't supply the unique seam of randomness and insanity supplied by the Whiff.

You may argue that HNA supplies what the other two don't but not in a considered, well crafted way, only in a 'clappers are ghey'/'ALOLLOLadyce is a pcunt'/'I'm not reading all that' way.

And none of the other stuff is on paper. Don't care what people say, reading a newspaper on paper is very different to reading one online, and not because of what it's made out of.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by superreadingfan » 29 Apr 2012 08:28

Whiff Wasn't Funny, It Was Like Reading Jokes Produced By Snowball Or Cmonurz. Sorry For The Harsh Criticism, But Seriously It Wasn't Worth The Paper It was Printed On. Just Bring In A Sudoku Book Or Crosswords.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by SLAMMED » 29 Apr 2012 08:28

Bandini The Whiff ran its course, and this time for 80s/90s style fanzines has come and gone.

The combination of the Tilehurst End, the podcast and, I guess, this place, is a more than adequate replacement.

That would be true if you could sit in the bowl prematch on your smartphone and read the articles. However since you can't even get a signal in the stadium I think there is room for the low tech alternative.

Speak for yourself

Full signal where I sit 8)

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by Beef » 29 Apr 2012 08:50

The thought of resurrecting the Whiff / jumping on the Band Wagon had crossed certain Whiff minds. I shall feed back to Colin Cheeselog, Frank Fickle and Doris Fraud accordingly.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by St Pauli » 29 Apr 2012 09:39

Thankyou Beef, could you let them know I would be happy to contribute to and sell the Whiff outside Gate 8 should it be published again.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by Wimb » 29 Apr 2012 20:29

St Pauli
Bandini The Whiff ran its course, and this time for 80s/90s style fanzines has come and gone.

The combination of the Tilehurst End, the podcast and, I guess, this place, is a more than adequate replacement.

Disagree, whilst those mentioned above might replace other fanzines, they don't adequately replace the Whiff. The first two are too focussed on just football to replace the Whiff, and even then only focussed on Reading and actual pitch based news, rather then comment and reflection on footballing culture generally. They also don't supply the unique seam of randomness and insanity supplied by the Whiff.

You may argue that HNA supplies what the other two don't but not in a considered, well crafted way, only in a 'clappers are ghey'/'ALOLLOLadyce is a pcunt'/'I'm not reading all that' way.

And none of the other stuff is on paper. Don't care what people say, reading a newspaper on paper is very different to reading one online, and not because of what it's made out of.

As the guy that set up The Tilehurst End I don't think I ever really set it up to be one way or the other, just as a place where fans could write and host articles and bits and bobs that weren't really suited for hobnob and could also use pics/videos etc.

I had a brief bit of contact with those who ran the Whiff when it closed down and they had hinted they would be developing their website a bit but it seems that hasn't happened. Glad to read above that they might be having second thoughts and coming out of retirement!

If not though, I've always said that I'm happy to take any contributions to the Tilehurst End, but nobody has ever sent in stuff that's a bit more focused on general football and culture, or the insanity of it! (well we've had the odd one or two but nothing regularly)

So if you do want to get involved I'd urge anyone to just drop us an email at

Personally I'd love the Whiff to come back as I think there's room for a paper fanzine but as others have said, the costs/hassle/ease of use of the internet have all made paper fanzines a bit of a dying art. I know that as someone with a full time job it's hard enough just editing a website so having to get it printed etc must be a bit of a mare.

I don't really have the technical nous to make an offline app for TTE but if anyone else with such technical knowledge is around and wants to help out again please get in touch.

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Re: Back in the Premiership- time to resurrect the Whiff?

by Z175 » 30 Apr 2012 10:37

I'd be delighted to see the Whiff back.

Understand the committment/printing costs/online thing. So...maybe you could

1. Expand the team. (Seems to me the Tilehurst End does this well.) Use of email and website to collect articles could lessen the burden.

2. Charge £2, no one would care, inflations biting. With 24k fans each game should be able to sell out.

3. I disagree that the online era has changed things. People want paper to read at the stadium, over a pint, on a train, or when clearing out their bookcase. The club sell a load of programmes in the digital era for this reason. (And they are pretty yawn...). What I liked was the tongue in cheek reports on progress, which due to printing deadlines generally caveated against a future upturn/downturn in form. In the instant 24 hour forum era, people post reactive fickle crap knowing they can post something different next week.

But for me, HNA? 50% (generous!) of the posts are a load of crap by Internet trolls. (Sometimes guilty myself! :o ) .You have to really sift through to get to the quality (and some really are insightful/funny). Whereas the Whiff generally only had 1 shite article per issue! Loved the cartoons and letters personally.

Best advert for it is our whiffman Beef above - 17 posts in 8 years. This is someone whose opinions I want to read more than someone with 10,000 posts on an internet forum!

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