Justice For The 96

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Re: Justice For The 96

by cmonurz » 12 Sep 2012 09:10

It's already mooted that Cameron will make an official apology - so perhaps the general contents are already known and go some way to providing the families with answers as to what happened on that day. I really hope they do.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by cmonurz » 12 Sep 2012 09:16

Tokyo Sex Whale
cmonurz It's already mooted that Cameron will make an official apology - so perhaps the general contents are already known and go some way to providing the families with answers as to what happened on that day. I really hope they do.

Does Cameron apologise on behalf of the party or Thatcher?

Neither, he apologises on behalf of the Government - were Labour still in power the same apology would be made.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Alexander Litvinenko » 12 Sep 2012 09:24

Tokyo Sex Whale So, a whole load of official documents are released today from the various organisations involved with the disaster from the police to the ambulance service and government.

From what I can tell the families are expecting to read documents which confirm there has been a cover up and provide clarification on what actually happened before, during and after the event that will see individuals and/or organisations held accountable.

Is today the day that the lid blows off the whole thing or is it just going to be another example of the campaigners not seeing what they want to see/think exists and shouting from the rooftops about a conspiracy theory again?

*I am sure there is another thread on this somewhere but couldn't see it.

I think the campaigners will see what they expect to see, that the police new that they'd cocked-up wholesale and they there was a systematic cover-up of the evidence.

I also think that there will be increasing calls for a new inquest, with the aim of getting the verdicts of "accidental death" changed.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Alexander Litvinenko » 12 Sep 2012 09:33

Tokyo Sex Whale Will it end up in individuals being prosecuted?

I doubt it. Too long ago, now.

No Fixed Abode

Re: Justice For The 96

by No Fixed Abode » 12 Sep 2012 10:17

I still believe it will be one persons word against the other and nothing will really be resolved. The Police cocked up, but when you have thousands of drunken fans attending an event - you can't possibly have a case against the Police.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Alexander Litvinenko » 12 Sep 2012 10:23

As predictable as the tide coming in ...... :roll:

For those who value objectivity, may I suggest this site : http://www.hfdinfo.com

No Fixed Abode

Re: Justice For The 96

by No Fixed Abode » 12 Sep 2012 10:31

Alexander Litvinenko As predictable as the tide coming in ...... :roll:

For those who value objectivity, may I suggest this site : http://www.hfdinfo.com

If that is aimed at me.....

If you know the police are out or order for something but you've had a few drinks - you will never win. That's just the way it is. Let's not be naive in thinking there weren't thousands of drunken Liverpool fans there that day. The Police messed up, but then Liverpool fans had a duty to act in a fit and proper manner that day and some of them didn't. So an unfortunate set of circumstances which both sides have to partially take the blame and hopefully learn from.
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Re: Justice For The 96

by creative_username_1 » 12 Sep 2012 10:37

I also think there is collective responsibility for the events of the actual day.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by philM » 12 Sep 2012 10:38

No Fixed Abode I still believe it will be one persons word against the other and nothing will really be resolved. The Police cocked up, but when you have thousands of drunken fans attending an event - you can't possibly have a case against the Police.

There looks like there is a case against the police regarding widespread editing of evidence to remove any blame from themselves.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Super_horns » 12 Sep 2012 10:54

creative_username_1 I also think there is collective responsibility for the events of the actual day.

Probably but this seems to be about the police trying to cover their own faults and blame others...

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Jerry St Clair » 12 Sep 2012 11:04

No Fixed Abode Let's not be naive in thinking there weren't thousands of drunken Liverpool fans there that day. The Police messed up, but then Liverpool fans had a duty to act in a fit and proper manner that day and some of them didn't. So an unfortunate set of circumstances which both sides have to partially take the blame and hopefully learn from.

No more than at any other football match.

Do you think you deserve to die on your visits to Stamford Bridge on the basis that some other people have had a drink?

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Alexander Litvinenko » 12 Sep 2012 11:06

As if this was the only match where some people had "had a few drinks".

The systems, processes and procedures, as well as the state of the ground, needed to be in place to cope with that.

They weren't, they only made it worse, and then there was a systematic cover-up. .

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Re: Justice For The 96

by maffff » 12 Sep 2012 11:13

Tony Evans the football editor at The Times has just tweeted this about the start of the findings of the report.

Tony Evans @TonyEvansTimes
First news trickling out and it's ugly. Blood taken from bodies to test for alcohol. If none, they checked for criminal records.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by philM » 12 Sep 2012 11:27

cmonurz It's already mooted that Cameron will make an official apology - so perhaps the general contents are already known and go some way to providing the families with answers as to what happened on that day. I really hope they do.

I may be wrong but I doubt Cameron will make a proper apology. He may say something along the lines of "I regret what happened.." but I don't think he'll apologise for the police cover-up. or for Irvine Patnick MP being used by the police to leak lies to MacKenzie etc.
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Re: Justice For The 96

by creative_username_1 » 12 Sep 2012 11:28

creative_username_1 I also think there is collective responsibility for the events of the actual day.

Probably but this seems to be about the police trying to cover their own faults and blame others...

'greed with that. Don't really want to comment to much as there were kids that lost there lives

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Alexander Litvinenko » 12 Sep 2012 11:33

cmonurz It's already mooted that Cameron will make an official apology - so perhaps the general contents are already known and go some way to providing the families with answers as to what happened on that day. I really hope they do.

I may be wrong but I doubt Cameron will make a proper apology. He may say something along the lines of "I regret what happened.." but I don't think he'll apologise for the police cover-up. or for Irvine Patnick MP being used by the police to leak lies to MacKenzie etc.

I think Cameron is making a statement as 12.30 today.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 12 Sep 2012 11:36

maffff Tony Evans the football editor at The Times has just tweeted this about the start of the findings of the report.

Tony Evans @TonyEvansTimes
First news trickling out and it's ugly. Blood taken from bodies to test for alcohol. If none, they checked for criminal records.

Apart from anything else, what would it prove? Even if those that got killed were utterly wasted, it wouldn't be a factor in why they died as they weren't the ones causing the crush.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by Royalist » 12 Sep 2012 11:36

Isn't a sorry from people in charge at the time is more worthwhile than a token sorry from todays lot?

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Re: Justice For The 96

by cmonurz » 12 Sep 2012 11:39

Royalist Isn't a sorry from people in charge at the time is more worthwhile than a token sorry from todays lot?

Yes and no.

An 'official' apology from the current government is important - Cameron et al are part of the same institution ('the British Government'), they can apologise in respect of the mistakes made by those previously in charge.

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Re: Justice For The 96

by philM » 12 Sep 2012 11:39

Rev Algenon Stickleback H
maffff Tony Evans the football editor at The Times has just tweeted this about the start of the findings of the report.

Tony Evans @TonyEvansTimes
First news trickling out and it's ugly. Blood taken from bodies to test for alcohol. If none, they checked for criminal records.

Apart from anything else, what would it prove? Even if those that got killed were utterly wasted, it wouldn't be a factor in why they died as they weren't the ones causing the crush.

It would criminalise them. That is what they were trying to do.

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