Clapping video

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Clapping video

by SCIAG » 09 Nov 2008 12:43

Is there anybody else who thinks the clapping video before matches (and sometimes at half time) is really rubbish?

It doesn't help the atmosphere, it just makes us all look like a bunch of morons who need music to clap in time, and think that clapping in time alone creates a good atmosphere!

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Re: Clapping video

by AlexY25 » 09 Nov 2008 13:33


There are only a few people that do it, and some of them can't even do it in the right pattern.

Doesn't really help the atmosphere at all. Apart from people start singing to drown at the sound of people trying to clap to the video.

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Re: Clapping video

by John 3:16 » 09 Nov 2008 14:28


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Re: Clapping video

by rfcjoe » 09 Nov 2008 14:29

I think its an ok'ish idea tbh.


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Re: Clapping video

by Flash » 09 Nov 2008 14:54

I just want Requiem back. This new song doesn't even reach a climax but is just forgotten about as soon as the teams come out. I have never seen it finish. I want the unananimous 'URRRRRZZZZZZZZ' which requiem gave us. :x

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Re: Clapping video

by yappy » 09 Nov 2008 15:18

I agree i think its awful!! Why they haven't done a special 10 years at Madejski video instead is beyond me, instead of just adding in highlights of this season as it goes on!

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Re: Clapping video

by Toon Toon Blue army » 09 Nov 2008 16:48

It is gay.

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Re: Clapping video

by Morph » 09 Nov 2008 16:50

Very uninspiring and a little on the plastic side encouraging everyone to clap to it.
What we want is "Sing for the Royals, nanananana..." 8)

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Re: Clapping video

by URZZZZZZZZ » 12 Nov 2008 11:51

Personally, I am so embarassed by our home support that I've given up on it. I've decided to go to away matches for the atmosphere and sense of occasion, and go to home matches to see us win. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Re: Clapping video

by AlexY25 » 12 Nov 2008 14:48

URZZZZZZZZ Personally, I am so embarassed by our home support that I've given up on it. I've decided to go to away matches for the atmosphere and sense of occasion, and go to home matches to see us win. Nothing more, nothing less.

I used to think that. But our atmosphere isn't one of the worst. At games like burnley, Charlton, Watford, ipswich, there atmospheres been terrible. I think ours has improved in the last couple of years. We'll never have that great atmosphere but im glad we've atleast got some.

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Re: Clapping video

by Barry the bird boggler » 12 Nov 2008 17:26

Would be good if we had a stadium and support allowing 30000 fans to join in but it is just soooo gay the way it gets to the end and about 1000 people go "URZ"

As has been said many times all the club need to do is get a stirring piece of music organised (preferably unique) and get it timed right so the teams come out while it's being played - by the way it would also help to a) persist with it and b) ramp up the PA volume for it so it gets heard (two areas the club have been particularly poor with in these things).

It really isn't rocket science is it?

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Re: Clapping video

by SpaceCruiser » 12 Nov 2008 17:32

Is the video anything like this?

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Re: Clapping video

by Sarah Star » 12 Nov 2008 17:34

You're right, it's not rocket science. Rocket science is easy in comparison to finding a piece of music that pleases everyone.

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Re: Clapping video

by rg6royal » 12 Nov 2008 21:32

It is very sad indeed.

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Re: Clapping video

by Row Z Royal » 12 Nov 2008 22:46

yappy I agree i think its awful!! Why they haven't done a special 10 years at Madejski video instead is beyond me, instead of just adding in highlights of this season as it goes on!

They have. On the celebration DVD ad.


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Re: Clapping video

by Deathy » 13 Nov 2008 07:48

It is a bit pointless and unlike the previous videos we've had and music, this one doesn't get the hairs on my neck standing up. Just a load of retards clapping and the away fans expecting Little Big Horn to appear.

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Re: Clapping video

by URZZZZZZZZ » 13 Nov 2008 11:24

URZZZZZZZZ Personally, I am so embarassed by our home support that I've given up on it. I've decided to go to away matches for the atmosphere and sense of occasion, and go to home matches to see us win. Nothing more, nothing less.

I used to think that. But our atmosphere isn't one of the worst. At games like burnley, Charlton, Watford, ipswich, there atmospheres been terrible. I think ours has improved in the last couple of years. We'll never have that great atmosphere but im glad we've atleast got some.

Well, looking at your Username it seems that you are a Y25'er, which suggests that you sit in the only section that makes a decent bit of noise. Believe me, I sit in West Upper down the North end, there is very very little atmosphere at our ground!

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Re: Clapping video

by Magicman » 13 Nov 2008 12:53

Surely it is something for everyone, whether you are a self assured or not, old or young, hard core or plastic, season ticket holder or overseas visitor. Anyone can join in its simple and effective.

I myself don't actually like it either and I hope they are already making plans for some other prematch entertainment to stop us getting bored or aggitated, but most of us just want the football to start and don't care what goes on the big screen.

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Re: Clapping video

by Deathy » 13 Nov 2008 13:14

URZZZZZZZZ Personally, I am so embarassed by our home support that I've given up on it. I've decided to go to away matches for the atmosphere and sense of occasion, and go to home matches to see us win. Nothing more, nothing less.

I used to think that. But our atmosphere isn't one of the worst. At games like burnley, Charlton, Watford, ipswich, there atmospheres been terrible. I think ours has improved in the last couple of years. We'll never have that great atmosphere but im glad we've atleast got some.

Well, looking at your Username it seems that you are a Y25'er, which suggests that you sit in the only section that makes a decent bit of noise. Believe me, I sit in West Upper down the North end, there is very very little atmosphere at our ground!

This just highlights to me how the noise doesn't carry very well around our stadium.

I'm also a Y25'er and the Derby game apart, the atmosphere has been superb this season and for once, passionate at times. We've lacked that in the past, apart from big occasions of course.

I'd like to see the air vents, or the mesh as it may be called, replaced with something solid that can help keep the noise in.

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Re: Clapping video

by Dirk Gently » 13 Nov 2008 13:16

Deathy ..... I'd like to see the air vents, or the mesh as it may be called, replaced with something solid that can help keep the noise in.

Is that more important than having a decent pitch to play on? Because the airflow through those spaces is vital for the pitch - not so much grass growth but keeping it free of diseases.

Airflow is just as important as light for a healthy pitch.

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